Kate Jeffery
Kate Jeffery
Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience, University of Glasgow
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Path integration in mammals
AS Etienne, KJ Jeffery
Hippocampus 14 (2), 180-192, 2004
Experience-dependent rescaling of entorhinal grids
C Barry, R Hayman, N Burgess, KJ Jeffery
Nature neuroscience 10 (6), 682-684, 2007
The boundary vector cell model of place cell firing and spatial memory
C Barry, C Lever, R Hayman, T Hartley, S Burton, J O'Keefe, K Jeffery, ...
Reviews in the Neurosciences 17 (1-2), 71-98, 2006
Place cells, navigational accuracy, and the human hippocampus
J O'Keefe, N Burgess, JG Donnett, KJ Jeffery, EA Maguire
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1998
Integration of visual motion and locomotion in mouse visual cortex
AB Saleem, A Ayaz, KJ Jeffery, KD Harris, M Carandini
Nature neuroscience 16 (12), 1864-1869, 2013
Heterogeneous modulation of place cell firing by changes in context
MI Anderson, KJ Jeffery
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (26), 8827-8835, 2003
Retrosplenial cortex and its role in spatial cognition
AS Mitchell, R Czajkowski, N Zhang, K Jeffery, AJD Nelson
Brain and neuroscience advances 2, 2398212818757098, 2018
The hippocampal and parietal foundations of spatial cognition.
NE Burgess, KJ Jeffery, JE O'Keefe
Oxford University Press, 1999
An independent, landmark-dominated head-direction signal in dysgranular retrosplenial cortex
PY Jacob, G Casali, L Spieser, H Page, D Overington, K Jeffery
Nature neuroscience 20 (2), 173-175, 2017
The representation of space in the brain
RM Grieves, KJ Jeffery
Behavioural processes 135, 113-131, 2017
Robotic and neuronal simulation of the hippocampus and rat navigation
N Burgess, JG Donnett, KJ Jeffery, J O–keefe
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 1997
Learned interaction of visual and idiothetic cues in the control of place field orientation
KJ Jeffery, JM O’Keefe
Experimental brain research 127, 151-161, 1999
Preserved performance in a hippocampal‐dependent spatial task despite complete place cell remapping
KJ Jeffery, A Gilbert, S Burton, A Strudwick
Hippocampus 13 (2), 175-189, 2003
Anisotropic encoding of three-dimensional space by place cells and grid cells
R Hayman, MA Verriotis, A Jovalekic, AA Fenton, KJ Jeffery
Nature neuroscience 14 (9), 1182-1188, 2011
Place field repetition and purely local remapping in a multicompartment environment
HJ Spiers, RMA Hayman, A Jovalekic, E Marozzi, KJ Jeffery
Cerebral Cortex 25 (1), 10-25, 2015
Grid cells form a global representation of connected environments
F Carpenter, D Manson, K Jeffery, N Burgess, C Barry
Current Biology 25 (9), 1176-1182, 2015
Directional control of hippocampal place fields
KJ Jeffery, JG Donnett, N Burgess, JM O’Keefe
Experimental Brain Research 117, 131-142, 1997
LTP-like synaptic efficacy changes following electroconvulsive stimulation
C Stewart, K Jeffery, I Reid
Neuroreport 5 (9), 1041-1044, 1994
Navigating in a three-dimensional world
KJ Jeffery, A Jovalekic, M Verriotis, R Hayman
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5), 523-543, 2013
Induction of Fos-like immunoreactivity and the maintenance of long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus of unanesthetized rats
KJ Jeffery, WC Abraham, M Dragunow, SE Mason
Molecular Brain Research 8 (4), 267-274, 1990
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Articles 1–20