Sanjeewa Perera
Cited by
Cited by
Engage me: The mature-age worker and stereotype threat
CT Kulik, S Perera, C Cregan
Academy of Management Journal 59 (6), 2132-2156, 2016
Help or hindrance? Work–life practices and women in management
K Kalysh, CT Kulik, S Perera
The Leadership Quarterly 27 (3), 504-518, 2016
Inclusion climate: A multilevel investigation of its antecedents and consequences
Y Li, S Perera, CT Kulik, I Metz
Human Resource Management 58 (4), 353-369, 2019
In or out: job exits of older workers
S Perera, SR Sardeshmukh, CT Kulik
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 53 (1), 4-21, 2015
Can we still be friends? The role of exit conversations in facilitating post‐exit relationships
CT Kulik, B Rae, SR Sardeshmukh, S Perera
Human Resource Management 54 (6), 893-912, 2015
Charted Courses and Meandering Trails: Crafting Success and Impact as Business School Academics
S Sandhu, S Perera, SR Sardeshmukh
Academy of Management Learning & Education 18 (2), 153-185, 2019
I-deals: Not Ideal for Employee Diversity?
S Perera, Y Li
Idiosyncratic Deals at Work: Exploring Individual, Organizational, and …, 2022
Gender equality in organizations: the dynamics of space
CT Kulik, S Sandhu, S Perera, SA Jarvis
Handbook on the Business of Sustainability, 170-188, 2022
Using Expertise as a Firewall: Exploring Emotion Work of Novices and Experts
S Perera, CT Kulik
New Ways of Studying Emotions in Organizations, 341-368, 2015
How to ensure success in environmental, social, and governance efforts
S Sandhu, CT Kulik, S Perera, SA Jarvis
USApp–American Politics and Policy Blog, 2022
You need to prepare for the tricky moment when someone resigns from your team
CT Kulik, S Perera
LSE Business Review, 2016
Young at heart: Mature age jobseeker responses to job advertisements
SS Perera
Academy of Management Proceedings 2016 (1), 13121, 2016
Diversity in work teams
C Ostroff, S Perera
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism, 1-4, 2015
Engage me: The mature-age worker and stereotype threat
CT Kulik, SS Perera, C Cregan
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 11653, 2015
When time is running out: A growth curve analysis of older workers' retirement intentions
C Cregan, CT Kulik, S Perera, S Sardeshmukh
Journal of Organizational Behavior 44 (5), 760-775, 2023
For better or worse? Human resource practices and women in leadership
S Perera
Women, Business and Leadership, 61-76, 2019
Chapter 3 Tricks of the Trade: Customer Service Employee Strategies in Performing Emotion Work
S Perera
What Have We Learned? Ten Years On, 75-106, 2011
10. Gender equality in organizations: the dynamics of space
CT Kulik, S Sandhu, S Perera, SA Jarvis
Handbook on the Business of Sustainability: The Organization, Implementation …, 2022
Structural and Cultural Barriers and Leaky Pipelines: Careers of Women in Geosciences
S Sardeshmukh, SS Perera, C Tiddy
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 13572, 2022
Sense of an ending-Health & manager support influence on the passage of time & intention to retire
C Cregan, CT Kulik, SS Perera, S Sardeshmukh
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 11446, 2021
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Articles 1–20