Ashley Muddiman
Cited by
Cited by
Changing deliberative norms on news organizations' Facebook sites
NJ Stroud, JM Scacco, A Muddiman, AL Curry
Journal of computer-mediated communication 20 (2), 188-203, 2015
News values, cognitive biases, and partisan incivility in comment sections
A Muddiman, NJ Stroud
Journal of communication 67 (4), 586-609, 2017
Personal and public levels of political incivility
A Muddiman
International Journal of Communication 11, 21, 2017
Saving media or trading on trust? The effects of native advertising on audience perceptions of legacy and online news publishers
MA Amazeen, AR Muddiman
Digital journalism 6 (2), 176-195, 2018
Correcting political and consumer misperceptions: The effectiveness and effects of rating scale versus contextual correction formats
MA Amazeen, E Thorson, A Muddiman, L Graves
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95 (1), 28-48, 2018
We should not get rid of incivility online
G Masullo Chen, A Muddiman, T Wilner, E Pariser, NJ Stroud
Social Media+ Society 5 (3), 2056305119862641, 2019
Seeing media as group members: An evaluation of partisan bias perceptions
NJ Stroud, A Muddiman, JK Lee
Journal of Communication 64 (5), 874-894, 2014
Selective exposure, tolerance, and satirical news
NJ Stroud, A Muddiman
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 25 (3), 271-290, 2013
(Re) claiming our expertise: Parsing large text corpora with manually validated and organic dictionaries
A Muddiman, SC McGregor, NJ Stroud
Political Communication 36 (2), 214-226, 2019
Media fragmentation, attribute agenda setting, and political opinions about Iraq
A Muddiman, NJ Stroud, M McCombs
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 58 (2), 215-233, 2014
The “deliberative digital divide:” Opinion leadership and integrative complexity in the US political blogosphere
J Brundidge, SA Reid, S Choi, A Muddiman
Political Psychology 35 (6), 741-755, 2014
What is relevant? Student perceptions of relevance strategies in college classrooms
A Muddiman, A Bainbridge Frymier
Communication Studies 60 (2), 130-146, 2009
Like, recommend, or respect? Altering political behavior in news comment sections
NJ Stroud, A Muddiman, JM Scacco
New media & society 19 (11), 1727-1743, 2017
The curiosity effect: Information seeking in the contemporary news environment
JM Scacco, A Muddiman
New Media & Society 22 (3), 429-448, 2020
Investigating the influence of “clickbait” news headlines
JM Scacco, A Muddiman
Engaging News Project Report, 2016
Negativity bias or backlash: Interaction with civil and uncivil online political news content
A Muddiman, J Pond-Cobb, JE Matson
Communication Research 47 (6), 815-837, 2020
A comparison of correction formats: The effectiveness and effects of rating scale versus contextual corrections on misinformation
MA Amazeen, E Thorson, A Muddiman, L Graves
American Press Institute. Downloaded April 27, 2015, 2015
Social media engagement with strategy-and issue-framed political news
NJ Stroud, A Muddiman
Journal of Communication 69 (5), 443-466, 2019
How people perceive political incivility
A Muddiman
A crisis of civility?, 31-44, 2019
The American media system today: Is the public fragmenting?
NJ Stroud, A Muddiman
New directions in media and politics, 7-28, 2018
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Articles 1–20