Julien Forbat
Cited by
Cited by
Rethinking conceptual frameworks and models of health and natural environments
RJ Lawrence, J Forbat, J Zufferey
Health 23 (2), 158-179, 2019
Wind turbines and health: a review with suggested recommendations
J Simos, N Cantoreggi, D Christie, J Forbat
Environnement, Risques & Santé 1 (1), 2019
Use of information and communication technology among street drifters in Los Angeles
X Gui, J Forbat, B Nardi, D Stokols
First Monday 21 (9), 2016
Urban health and healthy cities today
E de Leeuw, J Simos, J Forbat
Oxford research encyclopedia of global public health, 2020
The Swiss NEHAP: why it ended
J Forbat
Health promotion international 30 (3), 716-724, 2015
Les politiques publiques de santé environnementale en Europe: un parent pauvre du développement durable?
J Forbat
éditeur non identifié, 2014
De la spécificité du concept de santé environnementale vis-à-vis du développement durable
J Forbat
Développement durable et territoires. Économie, géographie, politique, droit …, 2014
La santé environnementale en Europe: un exercice fictif de politique publique?
J Forbat, J Simos
Environ Risque Santé 16 (1), 59-70, 2017
Dossier «Sur les traces de la santé environnementale»
R Bécot, S Frioux, A Marchand, C file_download Télécharger, J Forbat, ...
Écologie & Politique 58, 2019
Opportunities and Challenges to Increase Inter-and Transdisciplinarity: A Qualitative Study of the FloodRISE Project
J Forbat
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation 16 (35), 32-47, 2020
Increasing Transparency When Assessing the Impact of Technology on Human Well-Being: A Capability Approach Perspective
J Forbat, I Vargas
International Journal of Technoethics (IJT) 12 (1), 32-53, 2021
Environmental health policies in Europe: successes and failures in Switzerland, Germany and Belgium
J Forbat
International Journal of Environment and Health 7 (3), 231-246, 2015
Enjeux environnementaux: le déni de complexité
R Lawrence, J Forbat, P Naef, C Lambert, P Plagnat, S Perret, J Zufferey
Cosmopolis 1, 19-32, 2014
SDGs and public health policies: implementing the S2D grid in the city of Lausanne, Switzerland
J Forbat, A Roué Le Gall, M Porcherie, C Gosset, M Bantuelle, ...
Global Health Promotion, 17579759241238009, 2024
Theme Cities Networks: A Typology
J Forbat, E de Leeuw, J Simos
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures, 1-5, 2021
Theme cities for health: are they the superior Healthy Cities?
E De Leeuw, J Forbat, J Simos
European Journal of Public Health 30 (Supplement_5), ckaa166. 1218, 2020
Les PAES européens: une illustration du paradoxe de la santé environnementale
J Forbat
Ecologie & politique, 21-33, 2019
Economic Growth and Global Change 67
J Forbat
Que sont-ils devenus?: les parcours professionnels et personnels des participants au certificat de formation continue (CAS) Développement durable
J Forbat, S Perret, RJ Lawrence
Université de Genève, Service formation continue, 2013
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Articles 1–19