Sharon F. Matusik
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The utilization of contingent work, knowledge creation, and competitive advantage
SF Matusik, CWL Hill
Academy of management review 23 (4), 680-697, 1998
A review and road map of entrepreneurial equity financing research: Venture capital, corporate venture capital, angel investment, crowdfunding, and accelerators
W Drover, L Busenitz, S Matusik, D Townsend, A Anglin, G Dushnitsky
Journal of management 43 (6), 1820-1853, 2017
Understanding tokenism: Antecedents and consequences of a psychological climate of gender inequity
EB King, MR Hebl, JM George, SF Matusik
Journal of Management 36 (2), 482-510, 2010
Absorptive capacity in the software industry: Identifying dimensions that affect knowledge and knowledge creation activities
SF Matusik, MB Heeley
Journal of Management 31 (4), 549-572, 2005
Innovation, appropriability, and the underpricing of initial public offerings
MB Heeley, SF Matusik, N Jain
Academy of Management Journal 50 (1), 209-225, 2007
Embracing or embattled by converged mobile devices? Users’ experiences with a contemporary connectivity technology
SF Matusik, AE Mickel
Human Relations 64 (8), 1001-1030, 2011
Do VCs matter? The importance of owners on performance variance in start‐up firms
M Fitza, SF Matusik, E Mosakowski
Strategic Management Journal 30 (4), 387-404, 2009
Diversification in the venture capital industry: leveraging knowledge under uncertainty
SF Matusik, MA Fitza
Strategic Management Journal 33 (4), 407-426, 2012
Goal orientations and the motivation to share knowledge
M Swift, DB Balkin, SF Matusik
Journal of knowledge management 14 (3), 378-393, 2010
An empirical investigation of firm public and private knowledge
SF Matusik
Strategic Management Journal 23 (5), 457-467, 2002
Legal readings: Employee interpretation and mobilization of law
SR Fuller, LB Edelman, SF Matusik
Academy of Management Review 25 (1), 200-216, 2000
Values and judgment under uncertainty: evidence from venture capitalist assessments of founders
SF Matusik, JM George, MB Heeley
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2 (2), 95-115, 2008
A fresh look at patterns and assumptions in the field of entrepreneurship: What can we learn?
G Dushnitsky, SF Matusik
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 13 (4), 437-447, 2019
Innovation strategy and the use of performance measures
T Davila, MJ Epstein, SF Matusik
Advances in management accounting, 27-58, 2004
Geographic, network, and competitor social cues: evidence from US venture capitalists internationalization decisions
S Vedula, SF Matusik
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 11 (4), 393-421, 2017
Institutions and venture capital market creation: The case of an emerging market
CV Bustamante, S Mingo, SF Matusik
Journal of Business Research 127, 1-12, 2021
Managing public and private firm knowledge within the context of flexible firm boundaries
SF Matusik
The strategic management of intellectual capital and organizational …, 2002
New directions in entrepreneurship research with the Kauffman Firm Survey
J Farhat, S Matusik, A Robb, DT Robinson
Small Business Economics 50, 521-532, 2018
Absorptive capacity and firm knowledge: Separating the effects of public knowledge, flexible firm boundaries, and firm absorptive abilities
SF Matusik
Organization Science Winter Conference, Keystone, CO, 2000
Programmable automation and the locus of decision-making power
PD Collins, LV Ryan, SF Matusik
Journal of management 25 (1), 29-53, 1999
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Articles 1–20