Amanda K. Hohner
Amanda K. Hohner
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Montana State University
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Wildfires alter forest watersheds and threaten drinking water quality
AK Hohner, CC Rhoades, P Wilkerson, FL Rosario-Ortiz
Accounts of chemical research 52 (5), 1234-1244, 2019
Drinking water treatment response following a Colorado wildfire
AK Hohner, K Cawley, J Oropeza, RS Summers, FL Rosario-Ortiz
Water Research 105, 187-198, 2016
Water treatment implications after the high Park wildfire, Colorado
JH Writer, A Hohner, J Oropeza, A Schmidt, KM Cawley, FL Rosario‐Ortiz
Journal‐American Water Works Association 106 (4), E189-E199, 2014
Scientists' warning on extreme wildfire risks to water supply
FN Robinne, DW Hallema, KD Bladon, MD Flannigan, G Boisramé, ...
Hydrological Processes 35 (5), e14086, 2021
Persulfate activation by glucose for in situ chemical oxidation
RJ Watts, M Ahmad, AK Hohner, AL Teel
Water Research 133, 247-254, 2018
Molecular and spectroscopic characterization of water extractable organic matter from thermally altered soils reveal insight into disinfection byproduct precursors
KM Cawley, AK Hohner, DC Podgorski, WT Cooper, JA Korak, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (2), 771-779, 2017
Water treatment process evaluation of wildfire-affected sediment leachates
AK Hohner, LG Terry, EB Townsend, RS Summers, FL Rosario-Ortiz
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 3 (2), 352-365, 2017
Characterization and spatial distribution of particulate and soluble carbon and nitrogen from wildfire-impacted sediments
KM Cawley, AK Hohner, GA McKee, T Borch, P Omur-Ozbek, J Oropeza, ...
Journal of soils and sediments 18, 1314-1326, 2018
Preparing for Wildfires and Extreme Weather
WC Becker, A Hohner, F Rosario-Ortiz, J DeWolfe
Journal AWWA 110 (7), 32-40, 2018
Laboratory simulation of postfire effects on conventional drinking water treatment and disinfection byproduct formation
AK Hohner, RS Summers, FL Rosario‐Ortiz
AWWA Water Science 1 (5), e1155, 2019
Use of optical properties for evaluating the presence of pyrogenic organic matter in thermally altered soil leachates
G McKay, AK Hohner, FL Rosario-Ortiz
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 22 (4), 981-992, 2020
A call for strategic water-quality monitoring to advance assessment and prediction of wildfire impacts on water supplies
SF Murphy, CN Alpers, CW Anderson, JR Banta, JM Blake, KD Carpenter, ...
Frontiers in Water 5, 1144225, 2023
Regulating chlorophyll a to control DBP precursors in water supply reservoirs
JF Saunders, AK Hohner, RS Summers, FL Rosario‐Ortiz
Journal‐American Water Works Association 107 (11), E603-E612, 2015
Multi-objective optimization of water treatment operations for disinfection byproduct control
WJ Raseman, JR Kasprzyk, RS Summers, AK Hohner, FL Rosario-Ortiz
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 6 (3), 702-714, 2020
Phytoplankton drivers of dissolved organic material production in Colorado reservoirs and the formation of disinfection by-products
AL Khan, ER Sokol, DM McKnight, JF Saunders, AK Hohner, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 673627, 2021
Emerging investigator series: physicochemical properties of wildfire ash and implications for particle stability in surface waters
MH Rodela, I Chowdhury, AK Hohner
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 24 (11), 2129-2139, 2022
Bench-scale electrochemical treatment of co-contaminated clayey soil
A Pelletier, A Hohner, I Deniz Akin, I Chowdhury, R Watts, X Shi, B Dutmer, ...
FHWA-ICT-21-013, 2021
Summary of Illinois regulations and review of treatment alternatives for contaminated soils in right-of-ways
AK Hohner, A Pelletier, I Akin, I Chowdhury, R Watts, X Shi, B Dutmer, ...
Illinois Center for Transportation, 2020
Wildfire disturbances to water quality: Implications for drinking water treatment
AK Hohner
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2016
Source water quality characteristics and implications for disinfection byproduct formation in Colorado surface waters
AK Hohner
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2011
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Articles 1–20