Chinese Academy of Sciences (dr.cl_gmlcm)
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The importance of anabolism in microbial control over soil carbon storage
C Liang, J Schimel, J Jastrow
Nature Microbiology 2 (8), 17105, 2017
Quantitative assessment of microbial necromass contribution to soil organic matter
C Liang, W Amelung, J Lehmann, M Kästner
Global change biology 25 (11), 3578-3590, 2019
Microbial necromass as the source of soil organic carbon in global ecosystems
B Wang, S An, C Liang, Y Liu, Y Kuzyakov
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 162, 108422, 2021
Microbial production of recalcitrant organic matter in global soils: implications for productivity and climate policy
C Liang, TC Balser
Nature Reviews Microbiology 9 (1), 75-75, 2011
Divergent accumulation of microbial necromass and plant lignin components in grassland soils
T Ma, S Zhu, Z Wang, D Chen, G Dai, B Feng, X Su, H Hu, K Li, W Han, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3480, 2018
Competitive interaction with keystone taxa induced negative priming under biochar amendments
L Chen, Y Jiang, C Liang, Y Luo, Q Xu, C Han, Q Zhao, B Sun
Microbiome 7, 1-18, 2019
An Absorbing Markov Chain approach to understanding the microbial role in soil carbon stabilization
C Liang, G Cheng, DL Wixon, TC Balser
Biogeochemistry 106, 303-309, 2011
Tree mycorrhizal type predicts within‐site variability in the storage and distribution of soil organic matter
ME Craig, BL Turner, C Liang, K Clay, DJ Johnson, RP Phillips
Global change biology 24 (8), 3317-3330, 2018
The soil microbial carbon pump: From conceptual insights to empirical assessments
X Zhu, RD Jackson, EH DeLucia, JM Tiedje, C Liang
Global Change Biology 26 (11), 6032-6039, 2020
Fast-decaying plant litter enhances soil carbon in temperate forests but not through microbial physiological traits
ME Craig, KM Geyer, KV Beidler, ER Brzostek, SD Frey, A Stuart Grandy, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1229, 2022
Soil extracellular enzyme stoichiometry reflects the shift from P-to N-limitation of microorganisms with grassland restoration
Y Yang, C Liang, Y Wang, H Cheng, S An, SX Chang
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 149, 107928, 2020
Negative effects of multiple global change factors on soil microbial diversity
Y Yang, T Li, Y Wang, H Cheng, SX Chang, C Liang, S An
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 156, 108229, 2021
Reforestation accelerates soil organic carbon accumulation: Evidence from microbial biomarkers
P Shao, C Liang, L Lynch, H Xie, X Bao
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 131, 182-190, 2019
Microbial necromass on the rise: The growing focus on its role in soil organic matter development
C Liang
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 150, 108000, 2020
Warming and nitrogen deposition lessen microbial residue contribution to soil carbon pool
C Liang, TC Balser
Nature Communications 3 (1), 1222, 2012
Tradeoffs among microbial life history strategies influence the fate of microbial residues in subtropical forest soils
P Shao, L Lynch, H Xie, X Bao, C Liang
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 153, 108112, 2021
Secondary successional forests undergo tightly-coupled changes in soil microbial community structure and soil organic matter
P Shao, C Liang, K Rubert-Nason, X Li, H Xie, X Bao
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 128, 56-65, 2019
Warming increases microbial residue contribution to soil organic carbon in an alpine meadow
X Ding, S Chen, B Zhang, C Liang, H He, WR Horwath
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135, 13-19, 2019
Variations in soil microbial communities and residues along an altitude gradient on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain, China
B Zhang, C Liang, H He, X Zhang
PloS one 8 (6), e66184, 2013
Increasing contribution of microbial residues to soil organic carbon in grassland restoration chronosequence
Y Yang, Y Dou, B Wang, Y Wang, C Liang, S An, A Soromotin, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 170, 108688, 2022
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