Sébastien Béhuret
Sébastien Béhuret
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Network-state modulation of power-law frequency-scaling in visual cortical neurons
S El Boustani, O Marre, S Béhuret, P Baudot, P Yger, T Bal, A Destexhe, ...
PLoS computational biology 5 (9), e1000519, 2009
T-type calcium channels consolidate tonic action potential output of thalamic neurons to neocortex
C Deleuze, F David, S Béhuret, G Sadoc, HS Shin, VN Uebele, JJ Renger, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (35), 12228-12236, 2012
Corticothalamic synaptic noise as a mechanism for selective attention in thalamic neurons
S Béhuret, C Deleuze, T Bal
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 9, 80, 2015
Oversampling method to extract excitatory and inhibitory conductances from single-trial membrane potential recordings
C Bédard, S Béhuret, C Deleuze, T Bal, A Destexhe
Journal of neuroscience methods 210 (1), 3-14, 2012
Cortically-controlled population stochastic facilitation as a plausible substrate for guiding sensory transfer across the thalamic gateway
S Béhuret, C Deleuze, L Gomez, Y Frégnac, T Bal
PLoS computational biology 9 (12), e1003401, 2013
Paired Image-to-Image Translation Quality Assessment Using Multi-Method Fusion
S Borasinski, E Yavuz, S Béhuret
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.04186, 2022
Cortically-Controlled Population Stochastic Facilitation as a Plausible Substrate for Guiding
S Béhuret, C Deleuze, L Gomez, Y Frégnac, T Bal
Exploration par des interfaces hybrides du code neuronal et des mécanismes de régulation de l'information sensorielle dans le système visuel
S Béhuret
Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI, 2012
Stimulus-dependency in the power-law scaling of the subthreshold activity of V1 cells
O Marre, S El Boustani, S Béhuret, C Monier, T Bal, A Destexhe, ...
Deuxième conférence française de Neurosciences Computationnelles," Neurocomp08", 2008
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