Victor Gurarie
Victor Gurarie
Professor of Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder
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Cited by
Two-orbital SU(N) magnetism with ultracold alkaline-earth atoms
AV Gorshkov, M Hermele, V Gurarie, C Xu, PS Julienne, J Ye, P Zoller, ...
Nature physics 6 (4), 289-295, 2010
Logarithmic operators in conformal field theory
V Gurarie
Nuclear Physics B 410 (3), 535-549, 1993
Resonantly paired fermionic superfluids
V Gurarie, L Radzihovsky
Annals of Physics 322 (1), 2-119, 2007
Single-particle Green’s functions and interacting topological insulators
V Gurarie
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (8), 085426, 2011
Bulk-boundary correspondence of topological insulators from their respective Green’s functions
AM Essin, V Gurarie
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (12), 125132, 2011
Quantum Phase Transitions across a -Wave Feshbach Resonance
V Gurarie, L Radzihovsky, AV Andreev
Physical review letters 94 (23), 230403, 2005
Mott Insulators of Ultracold Fermionic Alkaline Earth Atoms:<? format?> Underconstrained Magnetism and Chiral Spin Liquid
M Hermele, V Gurarie, AM Rey
Physical Review Letters 103 (13), 135301, 2009
Instantons in the Burgers equation
V Gurarie, A Migdal
Physical Review E 54 (5), 4908, 1996
From cosmology to cold atoms: observation of Sakharov oscillations in a quenched atomic superfluid
CL Hung, V Gurarie, C Chin
Science 341 (6151), 1213-1215, 2013
Plasma analogy and non-Abelian statistics for Ising-type quantum Hall states
P Bonderson, V Gurarie, C Nayak
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (7), 075303, 2011
Phase diagram of the disordered Bose-Hubbard model
V Gurarie, L Pollet, NV Prokof’Ev, BV Svistunov, M Troyer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (21), 214519, 2009
Bosonic excitations in random media
V Gurarie, JT Chalker
Physical Review B 68 (13), 134207, 2003
Nonequilibrium Dynamics and Thermodynamics of a Degenerate Fermi Gas<? format?> Across a Feshbach Resonance
AV Andreev, V Gurarie, L Radzihovsky
Physical review letters 93 (13), 130402, 2004
Topological invariants and interacting one-dimensional fermionic systems
SR Manmana, AM Essin, RM Noack, V Gurarie
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (20), 205119, 2012
Quantum quench in a superfluid: Winding numbers and topological states far from equilibrium
MS Foster, M Dzero, V Gurarie, EA Yuzbashyan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (10), 104511, 2013
Conformal algebras of two-dimensional disordered systems
V Gurarie, AWW Ludwig
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35 (27), L377, 2002
Critical transport in weakly disordered semiconductors and semimetals
SV Syzranov, L Radzihovsky, V Gurarie
Physical Review Letters 114 (16), 166601, 2015
Zero modes of two-dimensional chiral -wave superconductors
V Gurarie, L Radzihovsky
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (21), 212509, 2007
Topological liquids and valence cluster states in two-dimensional SU magnets
M Hermele, V Gurarie
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (17), 174441, 2011
Nonadiabaticity and large fluctuations in a many-particle Landau-Zener problem
A Altland, V Gurarie, T Kriecherbauer, A Polkovnikov
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (4), 042703, 2009
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Articles 1–20