Nils Daniel Forkert
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Cited by
DWI-FLAIR mismatch for the identification of patients with acute ischaemic stroke within 4· 5 h of symptom onset (PRE-FLAIR): a multicentre observational study
G Thomalla, B Cheng, M Ebinger, Q Hao, T Tourdias, O Wu, JS Kim, ...
The Lancet Neurology 10 (11), 978-986, 2011
Machine learning for precision medicine
SJ MacEachern, ND Forkert
Genome 64 (4), 416-425, 2021
Influence of stroke infarct location on functional outcome measured by the modified rankin scale
B Cheng, ND Forkert, M Zavaglia, CC Hilgetag, A Golsari, S Siemonsen, ...
Stroke 45 (6), 1695-1702, 2014
Deepvesselnet: Vessel segmentation, centerline prediction, and bifurcation detection in 3-d angiographic volumes
G Tetteh, V Efremov, ND Forkert, M Schneider, J Kirschke, B Weber, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 592352, 2020
Magnetic particle imaging for real-time perfusion imaging in acute stroke
P Ludewig, N Gdaniec, J Sedlacik, ND Forkert, P Szwargulski, M Graeser, ...
ACS nano 11 (10), 10480-10488, 2017
Classifiers for ischemic stroke lesion segmentation: a comparison study
O Maier, C Schröder, ND Forkert, T Martinetz, H Handels
PloS one 10 (12), e0145118, 2015
Association of cardiovascular risk factors with MRI indices of cerebrovascular structure and function and white matter hyperintensities in young adults
W Williamson, AJ Lewandowski, ND Forkert, L Griffanti, TW Okell, J Betts, ...
Jama 320 (7), 665-673, 2018
Time-dependent computed tomographic perfusion thresholds for patients with acute ischemic stroke
CD d’Esterre, ME Boesen, SH Ahn, P Pordeli, M Najm, P Minhas, ...
Stroke 46 (12), 3390-3397, 2015
Supervised machine learning tools: a tutorial for clinicians
LL Vercio, K Amador, JJ Bannister, S Crites, A Gutierrez, ME MacDonald, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 17 (6), 062001, 2020
Mild behavioral impairment and subjective cognitive decline predict cognitive and functional decline
Z Ismail, A McGirr, S Gill, S Hu, ND Forkert, EE Smith
Journal of Alzheimer's disease 80 (1), 459-469, 2021
Brain structural and vascular anatomy is altered in offspring of pre-eclamptic pregnancies: a pilot study
MT Rätsep, A Paolozza, AF Hickman, B Maser, VR Kay, S Mohammad, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 37 (5), 939-945, 2016
Using machine learning to predict dementia from neuropsychiatric symptom and neuroimaging data
S Gill, P Mouches, S Hu, D Rajashekar, FP MacMaster, EE Smith, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 75 (1), 277-288, 2020
Plasma neurofilament light: a marker of neurodegeneration in mild behavioral impairment
JP Naude, S Gill, S Hu, A McGirr, ND Forkert, O Monchi, PK Stys, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's disease 76 (3), 1017-1027, 2020
Multivariate dynamic prediction of ischemic infarction and tissue salvage as a function of time and degree of recanalization
A Kemmling, F Flottmann, ND Forkert, J Minnerup, W Heindel, G Thomalla, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 35 (9), 1397-1405, 2015
Automated syndrome diagnosis by three-dimensional facial imaging
B Hallgrímsson, JD Aponte, DC Katz, JJ Bannister, SL Riccardi, ...
Genetics in medicine 22 (10), 1682-1693, 2020
3D cerebrovascular segmentation combining fuzzy vessel enhancement and level-sets with anisotropic energy weights
ND Forkert, A Schmidt-Richberg, J Fiehler, T Illies, D Möller, D Säring, ...
Magnetic resonance imaging 31 (2), 262-271, 2013
ANTONIA perfusion and stroke
ND Forkert, B Cheng, A Kemmling, G Thomalla, J Fiehler
Methods of information in medicine 53 (06), 469-481, 2014
Artificial intelligence in stroke imaging: current and future perspectives
VS Yedavalli, E Tong, D Martin, KW Yeom, ND Forkert
Clinical imaging 69, 246-254, 2021
Quantitative measurements of relative fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) signal intensities in acute stroke for the prediction of time from symptom onset
B Cheng, M Brinkmann, ND Forkert, A Treszl, M Ebinger, M Köhrmann, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 33 (1), 76-84, 2013
Neurological function in children born to preeclamptic and hypertensive mothers–A systematic review
EA Figueiro-Filho, LE Mak, JN Reynolds, PW Stroman, GN Smith, ...
Pregnancy hypertension 10, 1-6, 2017
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Articles 1–20