Lisa Emerson
Cited by
Cited by
A comparison between paper‐based and online learning in higher education
L Emerson, B MacKay
British Journal of Educational Technology 42 (5), 727-735, 2011
Meeting the demands of the workplace: Science students and written skills
FE Gray, L Emerson, B MacKay
Journal of science education and technology 14, 425-435, 2005
Scaffolding academic integrity: Creating a learning context for teaching referencing skills
L Emerson, MT Rees, B MacKay
Journal of university teaching & learning practice 2 (3), 17-30, 2005
Plagiarism, a Turnitin trial, and an experience of cultural disorientation
L Emerson
Originality, imitation, and plagiarism: Teaching writing in the digital age …, 2008
The forgotten tribe: Scientists as writers
LE Emerson
The WAC Clearinghouse and the University Press of Colorado, 2017
Reforming ESL writing instruction in tertiary education: The writing centre approach
TB Hoon, L Emerson, C White
The English Teacher 35, 1-14, 2006
A team of equals: Teaching writing in the sciences
L Emerson, BR MacKay, MB MacKay, KA Funnell
Educational Action Research 14 (01), 65-81, 2006
‘If they're the customer, I'm the meat in the sandwich’: an exploration of tertiary teachers' metaphorical constructions of teaching
L Emerson, J Mansvelt
Higher Education Research & Development 33 (3), 469-482, 2014
Writing in a New Zealand tertiary context: WAC and action research
L Emerson, B Mackay, K Funnell, M Mackay
Language and Learning across the Disciplines 5 (3), 110-133, 2002
The impact that Turnitin® has had on text-based assessment practice
M Rees, L Emerson
International Journal for Educational Integrity 5 (1), 2009
Writing guidelines for education students
L Emerson
Cengage Learning Australia, 2007
Buckets and fire: metaphors in tertiary teaching
L Emerson, J Mansvelt
Studies in Higher Education 40 (10), 1872-1888, 2015
A scholarly dialogue: writing scholarship, authorship, academic integrity and the challenges of AI
B Wise, L Emerson, A Van Luyn, B Dyson, C Bjork, SE Thomas
Higher Education Research & Development 43 (3), 578-590, 2024
Writing Guidelines for Business Students 6e
L Emerson
Cengage AU, 2021
“I’m not a writer”: Shaping the literacy-related attitudes and beliefs of students and teachers in STEM disciplines
L Emerson
Theorizing the future of science education research, 169-187, 2019
Developing a “Kiwi” writing centre at Massey University, New Zealand
L Emerson
Writing programs worldwide: Profiles of academic writing in many places, 313-323, 2012
'They don't have much in their kitbags': equipping science students for the workplace
E Gray, L Emerson, B MacKay
Australian Journal of Communication 33 (1), 105-122, 2006
Writing program administration outside the North American context
L Emerson, RA Clerehan
The writing program interrupted: Making space for critical discourse, 166-174, 2009
A collaborative approach to integrating the teaching of writing into the sciences in a New Zealand tertiary context
L Emerson
Unpublished doctoral thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 1999
Smoothing the path to transition
L Emerson, K Kilpin, AJ Feekery
http://www. tlri. org. nz/tlri-research/research-completed/school-sector …, 2015
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Articles 1–20