Jernej Amon Prodnik
Jernej Amon Prodnik
Other namesJernej A. Prodnik, Jernej Prodnik
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
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Digital inclusion and user (dis)empowerment: a critical perspective
I Mariën, J A. Prodnik
info 16 (6), 35-47, 2014
A Note on the Ongoing Processes of Commodification: From the Audience Commodity to the Social Factory.
J Prodnik
TripleC (Cognition, Communication, Co-Operation): Open Access Journal for a …, 2012
A Seeping Commodification: The Long Revolution in the Proliferation of Communication Commodities
JA Prodnik
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a …, 2014
Sürüp giden metalaştırma süreçleri üzerine bir not: İzleyici metasından toplumsal fabrikaya
J Prodnik
Marx Geri Döndü Medya Meta ve Sermaye Birikimi, 301-366, 2014
Mapping Approaches to User Participation and Digital Labour: A Critical Perspective
T Allmer, S Sevignani, JA Prodnik
Reconsidering Value and Labour in the Digital Age, 153-171, 2015
Changing Faces of Slovenia: Political, Socio-Economic and News Media Aspects of the Crisis
I Vobič, ASS Brlek, B Mance, JA Prodnik
Javnost-The Public 21 (4), 77-97, 2014
Algorithmic Logic in Digital Capitalism
JA Prodnik
AI for Everyone? Critical Perspectives, 203-222, 2021
3C: Commodifying Communication in Capitalism
JA Prodnik
Marx in the age of digital capitalism, 233-321, 2016
Philosophers of the world unite
M Sandoval, C Fuchs, JA Prodnik, S Sevignani, T Allmer
Theorising Digital Labour and Virtual Work: Definitions, Forms and …, 2014
Post-Fordist Communities and Cyberspace: A Critical Approach
J Prodnik
Cybercultures: Mediations of Community, Culture, Politics 83, 75, 2012
The instrumentalisation of politics and politicians-as-commodities: a qualitative analysis of slovenian parties' understanding of political communication
J Amon Prodnik
Annales - Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije / Annali di Studi …, 2016
Protislovja komuniciranja: H kritiki poblagovljenja v politični ekonomiji komuniciranja
J Amon Prodnik
Fakulteta za družbene vede, Ljubljana, 2014
The Brave New Social Media: Contradictory Information and Communication Technologies and the State-Capitalist Surveillance Complex
J Amon Prodnik
Teorija in Praksa 51 (6), 1222-1241, 2014
Premisleki o prihodnosti javnih medijev
S Splichal, J Amon Prodnik, M Milosavljević, M Poler, I Vobič
Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV (Zbirka Javnost), 2020
Deliberation and Online Participation: The Case of the Slovenian Portal "I Propose to the Government"
T Oblak-Črnič, J Prodnik, N Tržiban
Journal of Comparative Politics 4 (2), 90-110, 2011
Slovenia, Populism as Political Marketing
JA Prodnik, B Mance
Populist Political Communication in Europe, 339-349, 2016
Professor Janet Wasko: An Interview with the President of the IAMCR and one of the Key Representatives of the Political Economy of Communication Approach
JA Prodnik, J Wasko
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a …, 2014
News sources in the sociology of the media: A critical re-examination
JA Prodnik, I Vobič
Critical Sociology 50 (4-5), 795-812, 2024
Samopromocijski novičarski mediji? Analiza spletnih mest slovenskih političnih akterjev
TO Crnic, JA Prodnik
Teorija in Praksa 51 (6), 1321-1343, 2014
Critical Studies of Contemporary Informational Capitalism: The Perspective of Emerging Scholars
S Sevignani, R Prey, M Sandoval, T Allmer, JA Prodnik, V Kreilinger
Critique, Social Media and the Information Society (edited by Christian …, 2014
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Articles 1–20