francisco c alcaraz
francisco c alcaraz
Professor de Fisica, IFSC, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos
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Surface exponents of the quantum XXZ, Ashkin-Teller and Potts models
FC Alcaraz, MN Barber, MT Batchelor, RJ Baxter, GRW Quispel
Journal of Physics A: mathematical and general 20 (18), 6397, 1987
Reaction-diffusion processes, critical dynamics, and quantum chains
FC Alcaraz, M Droz, M Henkel, V Rittenberg
Annals of Physics 230 (2), 250-302, 1994
Conformal invariance, the XXZ chain and the operator content of two-dimensional critical systems
FC Alcaraz, MN Barber, MT Batchelor
Annals of Physics 182 (2), 280-343, 1988
Correlation functions of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model using a modified Lanczos method
ER Gagliano, E Dagotto, A Moreo, FC Alcaraz
Physical Review B 34 (3), 1677, 1986
Entanglement of low-energy excitations in Conformal Field Theory
FC Alcaraz, MI Berganza, G Sierra
Physical Review Letters 106 (20), 201601, 2011
Conformal invariance and the spectrum of the XXZ chain
FC Alcaraz, MN Barber, MT Batchelor
Physical review letters 58 (8), 771, 1987
Equipartition of the entanglement entropy
JC Xavier, FC Alcaraz, G Sierra
Physical Review B 98 (4), 041106, 2018
Superconductivity near phase separation in models of correlated electrons
E Dagotto, J Riera, YC Chen, A Moreo, A Nazarenko, F Alcaraz, F Ortolani
Physical Review B 49 (5), 3548, 1994
Critical behavior of the spin-3 2 Blume-Capel model in two dimensions
JC Xavier, FC Alcaraz, DP Lara, JA Plascak
Physical Review B 57 (18), 11575, 1998
Entanglement of excited states in critical spin chains
MI Berganza, FC Alcaraz, G Sierra
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2012 (01), P01016, 2012
Duality and the phases of Z (N) spin systems
FC Alcaraz, R Koberle
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 13 (5), L153, 1980
Anisotropic ferromagnetic quantum domains
FC Alcaraz, SR Salinas, WF Wreszinski
Physical review letters 75 (5), 930, 1995
The HeisenbergXXZ Hamiltonian with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions
FC Alcaraz, WF Wreszinski
Journal of statistical physics 58, 45-56, 1990
Reaction-diffusion processes as physical realizations of Hecke algebras
FC Alcaraz, V Rittenberg
Physics Letters B 314 (3-4), 377-380, 1993
Critical behaviour of mixed Heisenberg chains
FC Alcaraz, AL Malvezzi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30 (3), 767, 1997
Operator content of the XXZ chain
FC Alcaraz, M Baake, U Grimmn, V Rittenberg
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 21 (3), L117, 1988
Critical behavior of anisotropic spin-S Heisenberg chains
FC Alcaraz, A Moreo
Physical Review B 46 (5), 2896, 1992
The XXZ Heisenberg chain, conformal invariance and the operator content of c< 1 systems
FC Alcaraz, U Grimm, V Rittenberg
Nuclear Physics B 316 (3), 735-768, 1989
The critical behaviour of self-dual Z (N) spin systems: Finite-size scaling and conformal invariance
FC Alcaraz
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 20 (9), 2511, 1987
Conformal invariance and the operator content of the XXZ model with arbitrary spin
FC Alcaraz, MJ Martins
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 22 (11), 1829, 1989
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Articles 1–20