Dr Samuel Ebie
Cited by
Cited by
Solid waste management: a critique of Nigeria’s waste management policy
B Onu, S Surendran, S Ebie
The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management …, 2012
Shaping Innovativeness and Creativity with Electronic Resource Management (e-HRM) Exploring a Conceptual Framework
E Njoku, S Ebie
Knowledge Management An International Journal 15 (3), 1-44, 2015
Extension of the technology acceptance model (TAM) to the adoption of the electronic knowledge and skills framework (E-KSF) in the national health service (NHS)
S Ebie, E Njoku
J. Appl. Sci. Dev 6, 19-50, 2015
Equality and diversity management: An investigation into the business case for equality and diversity practise in SMEs
S Ebie, R Djebarni
International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and …, 2011
A rhetoric on the quest for effective leadership in organisations
L Gilbert, S Ebie, L Daunton, BC Thomas
International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management 11 (5 …, 2012
The impact of job satisfaction on organisational performance of small to medium-sized enterprises in Wales
S Ebie, J Alajemba
TechnoScience Review 6 (1/2), 2016
A Study on the Importance of Entrepreneurship in the Economic Development of Nigeria
S Ebie
Sustainable Human Development Review 7 (1-4), 2015
Nursing Philosophy and Its Human Resource Management Challenges
S Ebie, O Banjo
Sustainable Human Development Review 7 (1-4), 2015
Green Marketing and Competitive Positioning of Agricultural Cooperatives in Rivers State, Nigeria
JE Akahome, HN Ozuru, S Ebie
Sustainable Human Development Review 6 (1-4), 2014
An Investigation into the business case for equality and diversity among SMEs
S Ebie, R Djebarni
ICSB World Conference Proceedings, 1, 2009
Gender and SMEs’ Export Decision: An Emerging Market Evidence By: Dr. Obi Berko O. Damoah Department of OHRM University of Ghana Business School, Legon, Accra
S Ebie, BO Amanor
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Articles 1–11