Andreas V. Stier
Andreas V. Stier
Walter Schottky Institut
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Scaling law for excitons in 2D perovskite quantum wells
JC Blancon, AV Stier, H Tsai, W Nie, CC Stoumpos, B Traore, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2254, 2018
Exciton Diamagnetic Shifts and Valley Zeeman Effects in Monolayer WS and MoS to 65 Tesla
AV Stier, KM McCreary, BT Jonker, J Kono, SA Crooker
Nature Communications 7, 10643, 2016
Terahertz Response and Colossal Kerr Rotation from the Surface States of the Topological Insulator Bi_ {2} Se_ {3}
R Valdés Aguilar, AV Stier, W Liu, LS Bilbro, DK George, N Bansal, L Wu, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (8), 87403, 2012
Magnetooptics of exciton Rydberg states in a monolayer semiconductor
AV Stier, NP Wilson, KA Velizhanin, J Kono, X Xu, SA Crooker
Physical review letters 120 (5), 057405, 2018
Probing the Influence of Dielectric Environment on Excitons in Monolayer WSe2: Insight from High Magnetic Fields
AV Stier, NP Wilson, G Clark, X Xu, SA Crooker
Nano letters 16 (11), 7054-7060, 2016
Revealing exciton masses and dielectric properties of monolayer semiconductors with high magnetic fields
M Goryca, J Li, AV Stier, T Taniguchi, K Watanabe, E Courtade, S Shree, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4172, 2019
A sudden collapse in the transport lifetime across the topological phase transition in (Bi1− xInx) 2Se3
L Wu, M Brahlek, R Valdés Aguilar, AV Stier, CM Morris, Y Lubashevsky, ...
Nature Physics 9 (7), 410-414, 2013
Room‐Temperature Synthesis of 2D Janus Crystals and their Heterostructures
DB Trivedi, G Turgut, Y Qin, MY Sayyad, D Hajra, M Howell, L Liu, S Yang, ...
Advanced Materials, 2006320, 2020
Polarization modulation time-domain terahertz polarimetry
CM Morris, R Valdes Aguilar, AV Stier, NP Armitage
Optics Express 20 (11), 12303, 2012
Mixed-valence-driven heavy-fermion behavior and superconductivity in KNiSe
JR Neilson, A Llobet, AV Stier, L Wu, J Wen, J Tao, Y Zhu, ZB Tesanovic, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (5), 054512, 2012
Discrete interactions between a few interlayer excitons trapped at a MoSe2–WSe2 heterointerface
M Kremser, M Brotons-Gisbert, J Knörzer, J Gückelhorn, M Meyer, ...
npj 2D Materials and Applications 4 (1), 8, 2020
Spatial extent of the excited exciton states in monolayers from diamagnetic shifts
J Zipfel, J Holler, AA Mitioglu, MV Ballottin, P Nagler, AV Stier, T Taniguchi, ...
Physical Review B 98 (7), 075438, 2018
Manganese doping for enhanced magnetic brightening and circular polarization control of dark excitons in paramagnetic layered hybrid metal-halide perovskites
T Neumann, S Feldmann, P Moser, A Delhomme, J Zerhoch, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 3489, 2021
Exploiting the IR transparency of graphene for fast pyroelectric infrared detection
ES Kulkarni, SP Heussler, AV Stier, I Martin‐Fernandez, H Andersen, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 3 (1), 34-38, 2015
Aging and reduced bulk conductance in thin films of the topological insulator Bi2Se3
R Valdes Aguilar, L Wu, AV Stier, LS Bilbro, M Brahlek, N Bansal, S Oh, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (15), 153702, 2013
3D Deep Learning Enables Accurate Layer Mapping of 2D Materials
X Dong, H Li, Z Jiang, T Grünleitner, I Güler, J Dong, K Wang, ...
ACS nano 15 (2), 3139-3151, 2021
Terahertz magneto-optical polarization modulation spectroscopy
DK George, AV Stier, CT Ellis, BD McCombe, J Černe, AG Markelz
JOSA B 29 (6), 1406-1412, 2012
Unveiling the zero-phonon line of the boron vacancy center by cavity-enhanced emission
C Qian, V Villafańe, M Schalk, GV Astakhov, U Kentsch, M Helm, ...
Nano Letters 22 (13), 5137-5142, 2022
Magneto-optical fingerprints of distinct graphene multilayers using the giant infrared Kerr effect
CT Ellis, AV Stier, MH Kim, JG Tischler, ER Glaser, RL Myers-Ward, ...
Nature Scientific Reports 3, doi:10.1038/srep03143, 2013
Controlling exciton many-body states by the electric-field effect in monolayer
J Klein, A Hötger, M Florian, A Steinhoff, A Delhomme, T Taniguchi, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (2), L022009, 2021
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Articles 1–20