Waymond Rodgers
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Cited by
Information systems continuance intention of web-based applications customers: The case of online banking
B Vatanasombut, M Igbaria, AC Stylianou, W Rodgers
Information & management 45 (7), 419-428, 2008
Explorations of negotiation behaviors in ten foreign cultures using a model developed in the United States
JL Graham, AT Mintu, W Rodgers
Management Science 40 (1), 72-95, 1994
The moderating effect of on‐line experience on the antecedents and consequences of on‐line satisfaction
W Rodgers, S Negash, K Suk
Psychology & Marketing 22 (4), 313-331, 2005
Do investors value a firm’s commitment to social activities?
W Rodgers, HL Choy, A Guiral
Journal of business ethics 114, 607-623, 2013
An artificial intelligence algorithmic approach to ethical decision-making in human resource management processes
W Rodgers, JM Murray, A Stefanidis, WY Degbey, SY Tarba
Human resource management review 33 (1), 100925, 2023
Information content and recency effect of the audit report in loan rating decisions
A Guiral‐Contreras, JA Gonzalo‐Angulo, W Rodgers
Accounting & Finance 47 (2), 285-304, 2007
Corporate social responsibility enhanced control systems reducing the likelihood of fraud
W Rodgers, A Söderbom, A Guiral
Journal of Business Ethics 131, 871-882, 2015
Measuring the return on information technology: A knowledge-based approach for revenue allocation at the process and firm level
PA Pavlou, T Housel, W Rodgers, E Jansen
JAIS 7 (4), 199-226, 2005
Advertising benefits from ethical artificial intelligence algorithmic purchase decision pathways
W Rodgers, T Nguyen
Journal of business ethics 178 (4), 1043-1061, 2022
Executive compensation, sustainability, climate, environmental concerns, and company financial performance: Evidence from Indonesian commercial banks
E Kartadjumena, W Rodgers
Sustainability 11 (6), 1673, 2019
A review of accounting research on cognitive characteristics
JL Ho, W Rodgers
Journal of Accounting Literature 12, 101, 1993
Artificial intelligence-driven music biometrics influencing customers’ retail buying behavior
W Rodgers, F Yeung, C Odindo, WY Degbey
Journal of Business Research 126, 401-414, 2021
Measurement and reporting of knowledge‐based assets
W Rodgers
Journal of Intellectual Capital 4 (2), 181-190, 2003
Stakeholder influence on corporate strategies over time
W Rodgers, S Gago
Journal of Business Ethics 52, 349-363, 2004
Knowledge management: The effect of knowledge transfer on professional skepticism in audit engagement planning
W Rodgers, GN Mubako, L Hall
Computers in Human Behavior 70, 564-574, 2017
The influences of conflicting information on novices and loan officers' actions
W Rodgers
Journal of Economic Psychology 20 (2), 123-145, 1999
Ethical dilemmas in auditing: Dishonesty or unintentional bias?
A Guiral, W Rodgers, E Ruiz, JA Gonzalo
Journal of business ethics 91, 151-166, 2010
To what extent are auditors’ attitudes toward the evidence influenced by the self-fulfilling prophecy?
A Guiral, E Ruiz, W Rodgers
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 30 (1), 173-190, 2011
Throughput modeling: Financial information used by decision makers
W Rodgers
(No Title), 1997
A model capturing ethics and executive compensation
W Rodgers, S Gago
Journal of Business Ethics 48, 189-202, 2003
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Articles 1–20