Peter Mitchell
Peter Mitchell
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Cited by
The archaeology of southern Africa
P Mitchell
Cambridge University Press, 2024
Ages for the Middle Stone Age of southern Africa: implications for human behavior and dispersal
Z Jacobs, RG Roberts, RF Galbraith, HJ Deacon, R Grun, A Mackay, ...
Science 322 (5902), 733-735, 2008
South African and Lesotho stone Age sequence updated (I)
M Lombard, LYN Wadley, J Deacon, S Wurz, I Parsons, M Mohapi, ...
South African Archaeological Bulletin 67 (195), 123-144, 2012
The first Africans: African archaeology from the earliest tool makers to most recent foragers
L Barham, P Mitchell
(No Title), 2008
African connections: an archaeological perspective on Africa and the wider world
P Mitchell
Rowman Altamira, 2005
Horse nations: the worldwide impact of the horse on indigenous societies post-1492
P Mitchell
OUP Oxford, 2015
The late Pleistocene early microlithic assemblages of southern Africa
P Mitchell
World Archaeology 20 (1), 27-39, 1988
Prehistoric exchange and interaction in southeastern southern Africa: marine shells and ostrich eggshell
PJ Mitchell
African Archaeological Review 13, 35-76, 1996
Sehonghong: the Middle and Later Stone Age industrial sequence at a Lesotho rock-shelter
PL Carter, PJ Mitchell, P Vinnicombe
BAR Publishing, 1988
The archaeology of southernmost Africa from c. 2000 BP to the early 1800s: a review of recent research
P Mitchell, G Whitelaw
The Journal of African History 46 (2), 209-241, 2005
Revisiting the Robberg: new results and a revision of old ideas at Sehonghong Rock Shelter, Lesotho
PJ Mitchell
The South African Archaeological Bulletin, 28-38, 1995
Developing the archaeology of marine isotope stage 3
P Mitchell
Goodwin Series, 52-65, 2008
Ostrich eggshell bead strontium isotopes reveal persistent macroscale social networking across late Quaternary southern Africa
BA Stewart, Y Zhao, PJ Mitchell, G Dewar, JD Gleason, JD Blum
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (12), 6453-6462, 2020
The Oxford handbook of African archaeology
P Mitchell, P Lane
OUP Oxford, 2013
The donkey in human history: an archaeological perspective
P Mitchell
Oxford University Press, 2018
The earliest directly dated rock paintings from southern Africa: new AMS radiocarbon dates
A Bonneau, D Pearce, P Mitchell, R Staff, C Arthur, L Mallen, F Brock, ...
antiquity 91 (356), 322-333, 2017
An early date for cattle from Namaqualand, South Africa: implications for the origins of herding in southern Africa
J Orton, P Mitchell, R Klein, T Steele, KA Horsburgh
Antiquity 87 (335), 108-120, 2013
Genetics and southern African prehistory: an archaeological view
P Mitchell
J Anthropol Sci 88, 73-92, 2010
Archaeological investigations at two Lesotho rock-shelters: terminal Pleistocene/early Holocene assemblages from Ha Makotoko and Ntloana Tsoana
PJ Mitchell
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 59 (1), 39-60, 1993
Understanding the MSA/LSA transition: the pre-20 000 BP assemblages from new excavations at Sehonghong: rock shelter, Lesotho.
PJ Mitchell
Southern African Field Archaeology 3 (1), 15-25, 1994
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Articles 1–20