Florent Mouliere
Florent Mouliere
Team lead, Cancer Research UK National Biomarker Centre
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Liquid biopsies come of age: towards implementation of circulating tumour DNA
JCM Wan, C Massie, J Garcia-Corbacho, F Mouliere, JD Brenton, ...
Nature Reviews Cancer 17 (4), 223-238, 2017
Enhanced detection of circulating tumor DNA by fragment size analysis
F Mouliere, D Chandrananda, AM Piskorz, EK Moore, J Morris, ...
Science translational medicine 10 (466), eaat4921, 2018
Clinical validation of the detection of KRAS and BRAF mutations from circulating tumor DNA
AR Thierry, F Mouliere, S El Messaoudi, C Mollevi, E Lopez-Crapez, ...
Nature medicine 20 (4), 430-435, 2014
High fragmentation characterizes tumour-derived circulating DNA
F Mouliere, B Robert, EA Peyrotte, M Del Rio, M Ychou, F Molina, ...
PloS one 6 (9), e23418, 2011
Circulating cell free DNA: Preanalytical considerations
S El Messaoudi, F Rolet, F Mouliere, AR Thierry
Clinica Chimica Acta 424, 222-230, 2013
Protective effect of BDNF against beta-amyloid induced neurotoxicity in vitro and in vivo in rats
S Arancibia, M Silhol, F Mouliere, J Meffre, I Höllinger, T Maurice, ...
Neurobiology of disease 31 (3), 316-326, 2008
Origin and quantification of circulating DNA in mice with human colorectal cancer xenografts
AR Thierry, F Mouliere, C Gongora, J Ollier, B Robert, M Ychou, M Del Rio, ...
Nucleic acids research 38 (18), 6159-6175, 2010
Multi-marker analysis of circulating cell-free DNA toward personalized medicine for colorectal cancer
F Mouliere, S El Messaoudi, D Pang, A Dritschilo, AR Thierry
Molecular oncology 8 (5), 927-941, 2014
Toward the Early Detection of Cancer by Decoding the Epigenetic and Environmental Fingerprints of Cell-Free DNA
Y Van Der Pol, F Mouliere
Cancer Cell 36 (4), 350-368, 2019
Circulating DNA as a strong multimarker prognostic tool for metastatic colorectal cancer patient management care
S El Messaoudi, F Mouliere, S Du Manoir, C Bascoul-Mollevi, B Gillet, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 22 (12), 3067-3077, 2016
Circulating tumor-derived DNA is shorter than somatic DNA in plasma
F Mouliere, N Rosenfeld
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (11), 3178-3179, 2015
Circulating cell-free DNA from colorectal cancer patients may reveal high KRAS or BRAF mutation load
F Mouliere, S El Messaoudi, C Gongora, AS Guedj, B Robert, M Del Rio, ...
Translational oncology 6 (3), 319-IN8, 2013
ctDNA monitoring using patient-specific sequencing and integration of variant reads
JCM Wan, K Heider, D Gale, S Murphy, E Fisher, F Mouliere, ...
Science translational medicine 12 (548), eaaz8084, 2020
Detection of cell‐free DNA fragmentation and copy number alterations in cerebrospinal fluid from glioma patients
F Mouliere, R Mair, D Chandrananda, F Marass, CG Smith, J Su, J Morris, ...
EMBO molecular medicine 10 (12), e9323, 2018
The importance of examining the proportion of circulating DNA originating from tumor, microenvironment and normal cells in colorectal cancer patients
F Mouliere, AR Thierry
Expert opinion on biological therapy 12 (sup1), S209-S215, 2012
The value of cell‐free DNA for molecular pathology
CM Stewart, PD Kothari, F Mouliere, R Mair, S Somnay, R Benayed, ...
The Journal of pathology 244 (5), 616-627, 2018
Association Of Plasma And Urinary Mutant DNA With Clinical Outcomes In Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer
KM Patel, KE van der Vos, CG Smith, F Mouliere, D Tsui, J Morris, ...
Scientific Reports 7, 2017
Comprehensive characterization of cell-free tumor DNA in plasma and urine of patients with renal tumors
CG Smith, T Moser, F Mouliere, J Field-Rayner, M Eldridge, AL Riediger, ...
Genome medicine 12, 1-17, 2020
Measurement of Plasma Cell-Free Mitochondrial Tumor DNA Improves Detection of Glioblastoma in Patient-Derived Orthotopic Xenograft Models
R Mair, F Mouliere, CG Smith, D Chandrananda, D Gale, F Marass, ...
Cancer research 79 (1), 220-230, 2019
Fragmentation patterns and personalized sequencing of cell‐free DNA in urine and plasma of glioma patients
F Mouliere, CG Smith, K Heider, J Su, Y van der Pol, M Thompson, ...
EMBO Molecular Medicine 13 (8), e12881, 2021
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Articles 1–20