Kun Dai
Cited by
Cited by
Learning between two systems: A Chinese student’s reflexive narrative in a China-Australia articulation programme
K Dai
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 50 (3), 371-390, 2020
Foreign-born Chinese students learning in China: (Re)shaping intercultural identity in higher education institution
Y Hu, K Dai
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 80, 89-98, 2021
Mobile Chinese students navigating between fields:(Trans)forming habitus in transnational articulation programmes?
K Dai, B Lingard, RP Musofer
Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (12), 1329-1340, 2020
Intercultural learning in transnational articulation programs: The hidden agenda of Chinese students’ experiences
K Dai, J Garcia
Journal of International Students, 2019
Chinese students' assessment and learning experiences in a transnational higher programme
K Dai, K Matthews, E, V Reyes
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-12, 2019
Transitioning 'in-between': Chinese students' navigating experiences in transnational higher education programmes
K Dai
Brill, 2021
'In-betweeners': Chinese students' experiences in China-Australia articulation programs
K Dai, B Lingard, V Reyes
Scottish Educational Review 50 (1), 36-55, 2018
Crossing the ‘bridges’ and navigating the ‘learning gaps’: Chinese students learning across two systems in a transnational higher education programme
K Dai, KE Matthews, P Renshaw
Higher Education Research & Development, 2020
The micro-politics of cultural change: A Chinese doctoral student’s learning journey in Australia
K Dai, I Hardy
Oxford Review of Education, 2020
Pursuing doctoral research in an emerging knowledge hub: An exploration of international students’ experiences in China
K Dai, I Hardy
Studies in Higher Education, 2023
Language for learning? International students’ doctoral writing practices in China
K Dai, I Hardy
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 2022
Students as partners: A new ethos for the transformation of teacher and student identities in Chinese higher education
Y Liang, K Dai, K Matthews
International Journal of Chinese Education, 2020
‘Shi men’ as key doctoral practice: Understanding international doctoral students’ learning communities and research culture in China
K Dai, D Elliot
Oxford Review of Education, 2022
Transnational higher education in China: Policies, practices, and development in a (post-)pandemic era
X Li, K Dai, X Zhang
Higher Education Policy, 2023
A fish in many waters? Addressing transnational habitus and the reworking of Bourdieu in global contexts
G Stahl, GM Mu, H Soong, K Dai
Sociological Research Online, 2023
Conducting doctoral research in China: An exploration of international students’ motivation to study at Chinese universities
K Dai, Y Hu, X Li, O Oladipo
Higher Education Research & Development, 2023
‘Students as partners rather than followers but…’: Understanding academics’ conceptions of changing learner-teacher relationships in Chinese higher education
K Dai, K Matthews
Higher Education Research & Development, 2022
Why Chinese students choose to pursue secondary education in Canada: An empirical investigation based on push–pull model
X Jing, L Peng, K Dai
Asia Pacific Education Review 22, 623-636, 2021
Forms of agency enacted by international PhD holders in Australia and PhD returnees in China to negotiate employability
T Pham, K Dai, E Saito
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2023
Understanding Contextual Factors Influencing Chinese Students to Study at a Hong Kong Institution's Intra-Country Branch Campus
K Dai, S Wilkins, X Zhang
Journal of Studies in International Education, 2023
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Articles 1–20