Aaron A. Sorensen
Aaron A. Sorensen
Digital Science
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Bibliometrics: Is your most cited work your best?
JPA Ioannidis, KW Boyack, H Small, AA Sorensen, R Klavans
Nature 514 (7524), 561-562, 2014
Alzheimer’s disease research: scientific productivity and impact of the top 100 investigators in the field
AA Sorensen
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 16 (3), 451-465, 2009
PaTH: towards a learning health system in the Mid-Atlantic region
W Amin, F Tsui, C Borromeo, CH Chuang, J Espino, D Ford, W Hwang, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 21 (4), 633-636, 2014
A list of highly influential biomedical researchers, 1996–2011
KW Boyack, R Klavans, AA Sorensen, JPA Ioannidis
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 43 (12), 1339-1365, 2013
Cited references and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) as two different knowledge representations: clustering and mappings at the paper level
L Leydesdorff, JA Comins, AA Sorensen, L Bornmann, I Hellsten
Scientometrics 109 (3), 2077-2091, 2016
Top altmetric scores in the Parkinson’s disease literature
R Araujo, AA Sorensen, S Konkiel, BR Bloem
Journal of Parkinson's disease 7 (1), 81-87, 2017
The top 100 cited neurorehabilitation papers
JS Kreutzer, AA Agyemang, D Weedon, N Zasler, M Oliver, AA Sorensen, ...
NeuroRehabilitation 40 (2), 163-174, 2017
Alzheimer's disease: advances for a new century
G Perry, J Avila, X Zhu, MA Smith, A Sorensen
Ios Press, 2013
Alzheimer's disease research: a COIN study using co-authorship network analytics
AA Sorensen, A Seary, K Riopelle
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (4), 6582-6586, 2010
Supporting a culture of evidence-based policy: federal funding for public health law evaluation research, 1985-2014
JK Ibrahim, AA Sorensen, H Grunwald, S Burris
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 23 (6), 658-666, 2017
Productivity and impact of the top 100 cited Parkinson's disease investigators since 1985
AA Sorensen, D Weedon
Journal of Parkinson's disease 1 (1), 3-13, 2011
Towards the development of an indicator of conformity
R Klavans, KW Boyack, AA Sorensen, C Chen
14th international society of scientometrics and informetrics conference. ISSI, 2013
International Arctic Research: Analyzing Global Funding Trends, a Pilot Report
IA Osipov, G Radford, DW Aksnes, L Kullerud, D Hirshberg
Digital Science, 2016
International Arctic research. Analyzing global funding trends
IA Osipov, G Radford, DW Aksnes, L Kullerud, D Hirshberg, P Skold, ...
Digital Science, 2016
Indicators of Innovative Research
R Klavans, KW Boyack, H Small, AA Sorensen, J PA
STI 2014 Leiden, 314, 2014
Measuring the Impact of Applied Science through Patents, Grants, Clinical Trials, and Policy Documents
A Sorensen
46th SSP Annual Meeting, 2024
Therapeutic Trials in Alzheimer’s Disease: Where Are We Now?
PI Moreira, J Avila, D Galimberti, MA Pappolla, G Plascencia-Villa, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 101 (suppl. 1), S1-S2, 2024
Alzheimer’s Disease: New Beginnings focuses on the future promise for therapeutic breakthroughs in light of notable clinical trial failures. We used a combination of …
G Perry, J Avila, PI Moreira, AA Sorensen, M Tabaton
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 64, S1, 2018
Distributions of AD Citations vs AD Altmetrics Over Time
AA Sorensen
figshare, 2017
Arctic Altmetrics
AA Sorensen, DDH Giles Radford, K Christian, E Adie, J Liu
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Articles 1–20