Nic Hooper
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Cited by
Mindful maths: Reducing the impact of stereotype threat through a mindfulness exercise
UW Weger, N Hooper, BP Meier, T Hopthrow
Consciousness and cognition 21 (1), 471-475, 2012
Using brief cognitive restructuring and cognitive defusion techniques to cope with negative thoughts
A Larsson, N Hooper, LA Osborne, P Bennett, L McHugh
Behavior modification 40 (3), 452-482, 2016
Comparing thought suppression and acceptance as coping techniques for food cravings
N Hooper, EK Sandoz, J Ashton, A Clarke, L McHugh
Eating behaviors 13 (1), 62-64, 2012
The Research Journey of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
N Hooper, A Larsson
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
Perspective taking reduces the fundamental attribution error
N Hooper, A Erdogan, G Keen, K Lawton, L McHugh
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 4 (2), 69-72, 2015
The effects of mindfulness versus thought suppression on implicit and explicit measures of experiential avoidance.
N Hooper, M Villatte, E Neofotistou, L McHugh
International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy 6 (3), 233, 2010
Mindfulness reduces the correspondence bias
T Hopthrow, N Hooper, L Mahmood, BP Meier, U Weger
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (3), 351-360, 2017
Experiential avoidance as a common psychological process in European cultures
JL Monestès, M Karekla, N Jacobs, MP Michaelides, N Hooper, M Kleen, ...
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2016
The derived generalization of thought suppression
N Hooper, J Saunders, L McHugh
Learning & Behavior 38, 160-168, 2010
Cognitive Defusion versus thought Distraction in the Mitigation of Learned Helplessness
N Hooper, L McHugh
Psychological Record 1 (63), 209-218, 2013
Comparing thought suppression and mindfulness as coping techniques for spider fear
N Hooper, N Davies, L Davies, L McHugh
Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4), 1824-1830, 2011
Acceptance and commitment therapy: Applications for educational psychologists within schools
D Gillard, P Flaxman, N Hooper
Educational Psychology in Practice 34 (3), 272-281, 2018
A contemporary functional analytic account of perspective taking
L McHugh, I Stewart, N Hooper
Context Press, 2012
Explaining illness with evil: pathogen prevalence fosters moral vitalism
B Bastian, CM Vauclair, S Loughnan, P Bain, A Ashokkumar, M Becker, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1914), 20191576, 2019
Acceptance and commitment therapy for people experiencing appearance-related distress associated with a visible difference: a rationale and review of relevant research
F Zucchelli, O Donnelly, H Williamson, N Hooper
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy 32 (3), 171-183, 2018
A comparison of ultra-brief cognitive defusion and positive affirmation interventions on the reduction of public speaking anxiety
C Brandrick, N Hooper, B Roche, J Kanter, I Tyndall
The Psychological Record 71, 109-117, 2021
Derived insensitivity: Rule-based insensitivity to contingencies propagates through equivalence
JL Monestès, WJ Greville, N Hooper
Learning and Motivation 59, 55-63, 2017
Transformation of thought suppression functions via same and opposite relations
I Stewart, N Hooper, P Walsh, R O’Keefe, R Joyce, L McHugh
The Psychological Record 65 (2), 375-399, 2015
Modelling the direct and indirect effects of thought suppression on personal choice
N Hooper, I Stewart, C Duffy, G Freegard, L McHugh
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 1 (1-2), 73-82, 2012
Cognitive defusion versus experiential avoidance in the reduction of smoking behaviour: an experimental and preliminary investigation
N Hooper, C Dack, M Karekla, A Niyazi, L McHugh
Addiction Research and Theory, 2018
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Articles 1–20