Sascha Krenek
Sascha Krenek
German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG)
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Intraspecific Genetic Variation in Paramecium Revealed by Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase I Sequences
D Barth, S Krenek, SI Fokin, TU Berendonk
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 53 (1), 20-25, 2006
Disentangling the taxonomy of Rickettsiales and description of two novel symbionts (“Candidatus Bealeia paramacronuclearis” and “Candidatus Fokinia cryptica”) sharing the …
F Szokoli, M Castelli, E Sabaneyeva, M Schrallhammer, S Krenek, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82 (24), 7236-7247, 2016
Thermal performance curves of Paramecium caudatum: a model selection approach
S Krenek, TU Berendonk, T Petzoldt
European Journal of Protistology 47 (2), 124-137, 2011
Coping with Temperature at the Warm Edge – Patterns of Thermal Adaptation in the Microbial Eukaryote Paramecium caudatum
S Krenek, T Petzoldt, TU Berendonk
PLoS One 7 (3), e30598, 2012
Candidatus Fokinia solitaria”, a Novel “Stand-Alone” Symbiotic Lineage of Midichloriaceae (Rickettsiales)
F Szokoli, E Sabaneyeva, M Castelli, S Krenek, M Schrallhammer, ...
PLoS One 11 (1), e0145743, 2016
The Genome Sequence of “Candidatus Fokinia solitaria”: Insights on Reductive Evolution in Rickettsiales
AM Floriano, M Castelli, S Krenek, TU Berendonk, C Bazzocchi, G Petroni, ...
Genome biology and evolution 10 (4), 1120-1126, 2018
Rediscovering the genus Lyticum, multiflagellated symbionts of the order Rickettsiales
V Boscaro, M Schrallhammer, KA Benken, S Krenek, F Szokoli, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 3305, 2013
Massive colonization of protein-coding exons by selfish genetic elements in Paramecium germline genomes
D Sellis, F Guérin, O Arnaiz, W Pett, E Lerat, N Boggetto, S Krenek, ...
PLoS Biology 19 (7), e3001309, 2021
New Paramecium (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea) congeners shape our view on its biodiversity
S Krenek, TU Berendonk, SI Fokin
Organisms Diversity & Evolution 15, 215-233, 2015
Convergent evolution of heat-inducibility during subfunctionalization of the Hsp70 gene family
S Krenek, M Schlegel, TU Berendonk
BMC Evolutionary Biology 13, 1-15, 2013
Population Genomics of Paramecium Species
P Johri, S Krenek, GK Marinov, TG Doak, TU Berendonk, M Lynch
Molecular Biology and Evolution 34 (5), 1194-1216, 2017
Vertically transmitted symbiont reduces host fitness along temperature gradient
E Dusi, S Krenek, M Schrallhammer, R Sachse, G Rauch, O Kaltz, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27 (4), 796-800, 2014
A strategy for successful integration of DNA-based methods in aquatic monitoring
P Blancher, E Lefrançois, F Rimet, V Vasselon, C Argillier, J Arle, P Beja, ...
Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 6, 2022
Evolutionary rescue and local adaptation under different rates of temperature increase: A combined analysis of changes in phenotype expression and genotype frequency in …
J Killeen, C Gougat‐Barbera, S Krenek, O Kaltz
Molecular Ecology 26 (7), 1734-1746, 2017
Stable isotopes reveal the importance of terrestrially derived resources for the diet of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera)
M Brauns, T Berendonk, S Berg, F Grunicke, D Kneis, S Krenek, T Schiller, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31 (9), 2496-2505, 2021
Tracing the colonization process of non-native gobies into a large river: the relevance of different dispersal modes
C Nogueira Tavares, M Brauns, S Hille, S Krenek, J Borcherding, ...
Biological Invasions 22, 2421-2429, 2020
“Candidatus Trichorickettsia mobilis”, a Rickettsiales bacterium, can be transiently transferred from the unicellular eukaryote Paramecium to the planarian Dugesia japonica
L Modeo, A Salvetti, L Rossi, M Castelli, F Szokoli, S Krenek, V Serra, ...
PeerJ 8, e8977, 2020
Diet composition and trophic niche differentiation of Neogobius melanostomus along an invasion gradient in a large lowland river
CN Tavares, M Weitere, J Borcherding, P Gerngroß, S Krenek, ...
Limnologica 95, 125996, 2022
Predicting evolution in experimental range expansions of an aquatic model system
G Zilio, S Krenek, C Gougat-Barbera, EA Fronhofer, O Kaltz
Evolution Letters 7 (3), 121-131, 2023
A strategy for successful integration of DNA-based methods in aquatic monitoring. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 6: 215–226
P Blancher, E Lefrançois, F Rimet, V Vasselon, C Argillier, J Arle, P Beja, ...
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