James Faulconbridge
Cited by
Cited by
Organizational professionalism in globalizing law firms
J Faulconbridge, D Muzio
Work, Employment & Society 22 (1), 7-25, 2008
Stretching tacit knowledge beyond a local fix? Global spaces of learning in advertising professional service firms
JR Faulconbridge
Journal of Economic Geography 6 (4), 517-540, 2006
Professions in a globalizing world: towards a transnational sociology of the professions
J Faulconbridge, D Muzio
International Sociology 27 (1), 109-125, 2012
Commuting practices: New insights into modal shift from theories of social practice
N Cass, J Faulconbridge
Transport Policy 45, 1-14, 2016
Towards corporate professionalization: The case of project management, management consultancy and executive search
D Muzio, D Hodgson, J Faulconbridge, J Beaverstock, S Hall
Current Sociology 59 (4), 443-464, 2011
Advanced producer service firms as strategic networks, global cities as strategic places
PJ Taylor, B Derudder, J Faulconbridge, M Hoyler, P Ni
Economic Geography 90 (3), 267-291, 2014
The ‘war for talent’: The gatekeeper role of executive search firms in elite labour markets
JR Faulconbridge, JV Beaverstock, S Hall, A Hewitson
Geoforum 40 (5), 800-808, 2009
Corporate Ecologies of Business Travel in Professional Service Firms Working Towards a Research Agenda
JR Faulconbridge, JV Beaverstock, B Derudder, F Witlox
European Urban and Regional Studies 16 (3), 295-308, 2009
Global architects: learning and innovation through communities and constellations of practice
J Faulconbridge
Environment and Planning A 42 (12), 2842-2858, 2010
International business travel: some explorations
JV Beaverstock, B Derudder, JR Faulconbridge, F Witlox
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 91 (3), 193-202, 2009
Global professional service firms and the challenge of institutional complexity:‘field relocation’as a response strategy
J Faulconbridge, D Muzio
Journal of Management Studies 53 (1), 89-124, 2016
Mobility and professional networks in academia: An exploration of the obligations of presence
T Storme, JR Faulconbridge, JV Beaverstock, B Derudder, F Witlox
Mobilities 12 (3), 405-424, 2017
The global professional service firm:‘One Firm’models versus (Italian) distant institutionalized practices
D Muzio, J Faulconbridge
Organization Studies 34 (7), 897-925, 2013
The financialization of large law firms: situated discourses and practices of reorganization
JR Faulconbridge, D Muzio
Journal of Economic Geography 9 (5), 641-661, 2009
Reinserting the professional into the study of globalizing professional service firms: the case of law
JR Faulconbridge, D Muzio
Global Networks 7 (3), 249-270, 2007
London and Frankfurt in Europe's evolving financial centre network
JR Faulconbridge
Area 36 (3), 235-244, 2004
Traces of a mobile field: Ten years of mobilities research
J Faulconbridge, A Hui
Mobilities 11 (1), 1-14, 2016
Analysing the changing landscape of European financial centres: the role of financial products and the case of Amsterdam
J Faulconbridge, E Engelen, M Hoyler, J Beaverstock
Growth and Change 38 (2), 279-303, 2007
London's legal elite: recruitment through cultural capital and the reproduction of social exclusivity in City professional service fields
ACG Cook, JR Faulconbridge, D Muzio
Environment and Planning A 44 (7), 1744-1762, 2012
The regulation of design in global architecture firms: embedding and emplacing buildings
JR Faulconbridge
Urban Studies 46 (12), 2537-2554, 2009
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Articles 1–20