Robert Anemone
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Cited by
Dental development of known‐age chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes (primates, pongidae)
RL Anemone, ES Watts, DR Swindler
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 86 (2), 229-241, 1991
Longitudinal study of dental development in chimpanzees of known chronological age: Implications for understanding the age at death of Plio‐Pleistocene hominids
RL Anemone, MP Mooney, MI Siegel
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 1996
The VCL hypothesis revisited: patterns of femoral morphology among quadrupedal and saltatorial prosimian primates
RL Anemone
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 83 (3), 373-393, 1990
The functional anatomy of the hip and thigh in primates
RL Anemone
Postcranial adaptation in nonhuman primates, 150-174, 1993
Google Earth, GIS, and the Great Divide: a new and simple method for sharing paleontological data
GC Conroy, RL Anemone, J Van Regenmorter, A Addison
Journal of human evolution 55 (4), 751-755, 2008
New skeletal remains of Omomys (Primates, Omomyidae): functional morphology of the hindlimb and locomotor behavior of a Middle Eocene primate
RL Anemone, HH Covert
Journal of human evolution 38 (5), 607-633, 2000
Finding fossils in new ways: An artificial neural network approach to predicting the location of productive fossil localities
R Anemone, C Emerson, G Conroy
Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 20 (5), 169-180, 2011
Race and human diversity: A biocultural approach
RL Anemone
Routledge, 2019
GIS and paleoanthropology: Incorporating new approaches from the geospatial sciences in the analysis of primate and human evolution
RL Anemone, GC Conroy, CW Emerson
American journal of physical anthropology 146 (S53), 19-46, 2011
Dental development in apes and humans: a comment on Simpson, Lovejoy and Meindl (1990)
RL Anemone, ES Watts
Journal of human evolution 22 (2), 149-153, 1992
Are there two distinct types of hypocone in Eocene primates? The'pseudohypocone'of notharctines revisited
RL Anemone, MM Skinner, W Dirks
Dental variability of the Liberian chimpanzee,Pan troglodytes verus
DR Swindler, LM Emel, RL Anemone
Human evolution 13, 235-249, 1998
Let your fingers do the walking: a simple spectral signature model for “remote” fossil prospecting
GC Conroy, CW Emerson, RL Anemone, KEB Townsend
Journal of Human Evolution 63 (1), 79-84, 2012
An artificial neural network-based approach to identifying mammalian fossil localities in the Great Divide Basin, Wyoming
CW Emerson, RL Anemone
Remote Sensing Letters 3 (5), 453-460, 2012
An anachronistic Clarkforkian mammal fauna from the Paleocene Fort Union Formation (Great Divide Basin, Wyoming, USA)
RL Anemone, W Dirks
Geologica Acta: an international earth science journal 7 (1), 113-125, 2009
Phylogeny, life history and the timing of molar crown formation in two archaic ungulates, Meniscotherium and Phenacodus (Mammalia,‘Condylarthra’)
W Dirks, RL Anemone, PA Holroyd, DJ Reid, P Walton
Comparative dental morphology 13, 3-8, 2009
Dental development and life history in hominid evolution
RL Anemone
Human evolution through developmental change, 249-280, 2002
An object-oriented approach to extracting productive fossil localities from remotely sensed imagery
C Emerson, B Bommersbach, B Nachman, R Anemone
Remote Sensing 7 (12), 16555-16570, 2015
Morphometrics, Functional Anatomy
RL Anemone, BA Nachman
Tarsiers: past, present, and future 97, 2003
Unsupervised learning of satellite images enhances discovery of late Miocene fossil sites in the Urema Rift, Gorongosa, Mozambique
JO Coelho, RL Anemone, S Carvalho
PeerJ 9, e11573, 2021
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Articles 1–20