Eric Allen Hill
Eric Allen Hill
Staff Microbiologist/Chemical Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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Cited by
Electrically conductive bacterial nanowires produced by Shewanella oneidensis strain MR-1 and other microorganisms
YA Gorby, S Yanina, JS McLean, KM Rosso, D Moyles, A Dohnalkova, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (30), 11358-11363, 2006
Isolation of a high-affinity functional protein complex between OmcA and MtrC: two outer membrane decaheme c-type cytochromes of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
L Shi, B Chen, Z Wang, DA Elias, MU Mayer, YA Gorby, S Ni, BH Lower, ...
Journal of bacteriology 188 (13), 4705-4714, 2006
Direct Involvement of Type II Secretion System in Extracellular Translocation of Shewanella oneidensis Outer Membrane Cytochromes MtrC and OmcA
L Shi, S Deng, MJ Marshall, Z Wang, DW Kennedy, AC Dohnalkova, ...
Journal of bacteriology 190 (15), 5512-5516, 2008
Constraint-Based Model of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Metabolism: A Tool for Data Analysis and Hypothesis Generation
GE Pinchuk, EA Hill, OV Geydebrekht, J De Ingeniis, X Zhang, ...
PLoS computational biology 6 (6), e1000822, 2010
Pyruvate and lactate metabolism by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 under fermentation, oxygen limitation, and fumarate respiration conditions
GE Pinchuk, OV Geydebrekht, EA Hill, JL Reed, AE Konopka, AS Beliaev, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 77 (23), 8234-8240, 2011
Microbial nanowires: Is the subsurface “hardwired”?
D Ntarlagiannis, EA Atekwana, EA Hill, Y Gorby
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (17), 2007
Oxygen‐dependent autoaggregation in Shewanella oneidensis MR‐1
JS McLean, GE Pinchuk, OV Geydebrekht, CL Bilskis, BA Zakrajsek, ...
Environmental microbiology 10 (7), 1861-1876, 2008
Genome-Scale Modeling of Light-Driven Reductant Partitioning and Carbon Fluxes in Diazotrophic Unicellular Cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142
TT Vu, SM Stolyar, GE Pinchuk, EA Hill, LA Kucek, RN Brown, MS Lipton, ...
PLoS computational biology 8 (4), e1002460, 2012
Inference of interactions in cyanobacterial–heterotrophic co-cultures via transcriptome sequencing
AS Beliaev, MF Romine, M Serres, HC Bernstein, BE Linggi, LM Markillie, ...
The ISME journal 8 (11), 2243-2255, 2014
Effects of varied pH, growth rate and temperature using controlled fermentation and batch culture on matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization whole cell protein fingerprints
DS Wunschel, EA Hill, JS McLean, K Jarman, YA Gorby, N Valentine, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 62 (3), 259-271, 2005
Computational evaluation of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 metabolism for chemical production
TT Vu, EA Hill, LA Kucek, AE Konopka, AS Beliaev, JL Reed
Biotechnology journal 8 (5), 619-630, 2013
A flexible microbial co-culture platform for simultaneous utilization of methane and carbon dioxide from gas feedstocks
EA Hill, WB Chrisler, AS Beliaev, HC Bernstein
Bioresource technology 228, 250-256, 2017
Changes in translational efficiency is a dominant regulatory mechanism in the environmental response of bacteria
RC Taylor, BJM Webb Robertson, LM Markillie, MH Serres, BE Linggi, ...
Integrative Biology 5 (11), 1393-1406, 2013
In situ molecular imaging of a hydrated biofilm in a microfluidic reactor by ToF-SIMS
X Hua, XY Yu, Z Wang, L Yang, B Liu, Z Zhu, AE Tucker, WB Chrisler, ...
Analyst 139 (7), 1609-1613, 2014
S. i. Ishii, B. Logan, KH Nealson and JK Fredrickson
YA Gorby, S Yanina, JS McLean, KM Rosso, D Moyles, A Dohnalkova, ...
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103 (30), 11358-11363, 2006
Effect of mono- and dichromatic light quality on growth rates and photosynthetic performance of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002
HC Bernstein, A Konopka, MR Melnicki, EA Hill, LA Kucek, S Zhang, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 488, 2014
Unlocking the constraints of cyanobacterial productivity: acclimations enabling ultrafast growth
HC Bernstein, RS McClure, EA Hill, LM Markillie, WB Chrisler, MF Romine, ...
MBio 7 (4), 10.1128/mbio. 00949-16, 2016
Feedback-controlled LED photobioreactor for photophysiological studies of cyanobacteria
MR Melnicki, GE Pinchuk, EA Hill, LA Kucek, SM Stolyar, JK Fredrickson, ...
Bioresource technology 134, 127-133, 2013
Live cell chemical profiling of temporal redox dynamics in a photoautotrophic cyanobacterium
NC Sadler, MR Melnicki, MH Serres, ED Merkley, WB Chrisler, EA Hill, ...
ACS chemical biology 9 (1), 291-300, 2014
Characterization of protein redox dynamics induced during light-to-dark transitions and nutrient limitation in cyanobacteria
C Ansong, NC Sadler, EA Hill, MP Lewis, EM Zink, RD Smith, AS Beliaev, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 325, 2014
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Articles 1–20