George Macgregor
Cited by
Cited by
Collaborative tagging as a knowledge organisation and resource discovery tool
G Macgregor, E McCulloch
Library review 55 (5), 291-300, 2006
Exploratory evaluation of audio email technology in formative assessment feedback
G Macgregor, A Spiers, C Taylor
Research in Learning Technology 19 (1), 39-59, 2011
Revisiting e‐learning effectiveness: proposing a conceptual model
G Macgregor, J Turner
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 6 (3), 156-172, 2009
The nature of information in the twenty‐first century: Conundrums for the informatics community?
G Macgregor
Library Review 54 (1), 10-23, 2005
Analysis of equivalence mapping for terminology services
E McCulloch, G Macgregor
Journal of information science 34 (1), 70-92, 2008
Collection‐level descriptions: metadata of the future?
G Macgregor
Library Review 52 (6), 247-250, 2003
A SKOS Core approach to implementing an M2M terminology mapping server
G Macgregor, A Joseph, D Nicholson
International Conference on Semantic Web and Digital Libraries (ICSD-2007 …, 2007
Introduction to a special issue on digital libraries and the semantic web: context, applications and research
G Macgregor
Library Review 57 (3), 173-177, 2008
“NOF‐Digi”: putting UK culture online
D Nicholson, G Macgregor
OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives 19 (3 …, 2003
Improving the discoverability and web impact of open repositories: techniques and evaluation
G Macgregor
Code4Lib journal, 2019
Enhancing content discovery of open repositories: An analytics-based evaluation of repository optimizations
G Macgregor
Publications 8 (1), 8, 2020
Clumps and collection description in the information environment in the UK with particular reference to Scotland
G Dunsire, G Macgregor
Program 37 (4), 218-225, 2003
Measuring the concept of PID literacy : user perceptions and understanding of persistent identifiers in support of open scholarly infrastructure
G Macgregor, BS Lancho-Barrantes, D Rasmussen Pennington
Open Information Science 7 (1), 20220142, 2023
Principles in Patterns (PiP): Heuristic Evaluation of Course and Class Approval Online Pilot (C-CAP)
G Macgregor
University of Strathclyde, 2011
Towards improved performance and interoperability in distributed and physical union catalogues
G Macgregor, F Nicolaides
Program 39 (3), 227-247, 2005
Developing a national information strategy in Scotland
D Law, G Macgregor, E McCulloch, J Wallis
Cadernos de Biblioteconomia, Arquivística e Documentação 1, 49-53, 2005
Digital libraries and information literacy issues within virtual learning environments: an e-learning impasse?
G Macgregor, L McGill
Librarians' Annual Information Literacy Conference (LILAC), 2005
E-resource management and the Semantic Web: applications of RDF for e-resource discovery
G Macgregor
UKSG, 2009
Terminology server for improved resource discovery: analysis of model and functions
G Macgregor, E McCulloch, D Nicholson
Second International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research, 2007
Improving interoperability in distributed and physical union catalogues through co-ordination of cataloguing and indexing policies: report for work package B of the JISC CC …
G Dunsire, G Macgregor
University of Strathclyde, 2004
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Articles 1–20