ZHAO Xinyuan
Cited by
Cited by
A Newton-CG augmented Lagrangian method for semidefinite programming
XY Zhao, D Sun, KC Toh
SIAM Journal on Optimization 20 (4), 1737-1765, 2010
SDPNAL+: A Matlab software for semidefinite programming with bound constraints (version 1.0)
D Sun, KC Toh, Y Yuan, XY Zhao
Optimization Methods and Software 35 (1), 87-115, 2020
Quadratic growth conditions for convex matrix optimization problems associated with spectral functions
Y Cui, C Ding, X Zhao
SIAM Journal on Optimization 27 (4), 2332-2355, 2017
A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective sparse reconstruction
B Yan, Q Zhao, Z Wang, X Zhao
Signal, Image and Video Processing 11, 993-1000, 2017
Strong variational sufficiency for nonlinear semidefinite programming and its implications
S Wang, C Ding, Y Zhang, X Zhao
SIAM Journal on Optimization 33 (4), 2988-3011, 2023
Augmented Lagrangian methods for convex matrix optimization problems
Y Cui, C Ding, XD Li, XY Zhao
Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 10 (2), 305-342, 2022
THOR, trace-based hardware-driven layer-oriented natural gradient descent computation
M Chen, K Gao, X Liu, Z Wang, N Ni, Q Zhang, L Chen, C Ding, Z Huang, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (8), 7046-7054, 2021
An accelerated proximal alternating direction method of multipliers for optimal decentralized control of uncertain systems
B Yang, X Zhao, X Li, D Sun
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 204 (1), 9, 2025
Accelerating preconditioned ADMM via degenerate proximal point mappings
D Sun, Y Yuan, G Zhang, X Zhao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.18618, 2024
HPR-LP: An implementation of an HPR method for solving linear programming
K Chen, D Sun, Y Yuan, G Zhang, X Zhao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.12179, 2024
A proximal DC approach for quadratic assignment problem
Z Jiang, X Zhao, C Ding
Computational Optimization and Applications 78, 825-851, 2021
A Newton-CG augmented Lagrangian method for semidefinite programming. Optimization online
X Zhao, D Sun, KC Toh
SDPNAL version 0.1–a MATLAB software for semidefinite programming based on a semi-smooth Newton-CG augmented Lagrangian method
XY Zhao, DF Sun, KC Toh
An improved approximation algorithm for the -catalog segmentation problem using semidefinite programming relaxation
C Wu, D Xu, XY Zhao
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 8 (1), 117-126, 2011
A primal-dual approximation algorithm for stochastic facility location problem with service installation costs
X Wang, D Xu, X Zhao
Front Math China 6, 957-964, 2011
Matrix optimization based Euclidean embedding with outliers
Q Zhang, X Zhao, C Ding
Computational Optimization and Applications 79 (2), 235-271, 2021
Unified convergence analysis of a second-order method of multipliers for nonlinear conic programming
L Chen, J Zhu, X Zhao
Science China Mathematics 65 (11), 2397-2422, 2022
The Linear and Asymptotically Superlinear Convergence Rates of the Augmented Lagrangian Method with a Practical Relative Error Criterion
XY Zhao, L Chen
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 37 (04), 2040001, 2020
A newton-cg augmented lagrangian method for convex quadratically constrained quadratic semidefinite programs
XY Zhao, T Cai, D Xu
Advances in Global Optimization, 337-345, 2015
Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method Converges Ergodically for Solving Convex Optimization Problems
K Chen, D Sun, Y Yuan, G Zhang, X Zhao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.07807, 2025
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