Laith Alkurdi
Cited by
Cited by
The use of Monte Carlo simulation in evaluating the elevator round trip time under up-peak traffic conditions and conventional group control
L Al-Sharif, HM Aldahiyat, LM Alkurdi
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 33 (3), 319-338, 2012
Supporting interoperability and presence awareness in collaborative mixed reality environments
O Oyekoya, R Stone, W Steptoe, L Alkurdi, S Klare, A Peer, T Weyrich, ...
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2013
Development of a low cost differential drive Intelligent Ground Vehicle
NA Rawashdeh, LM Alkurdi, HT Jasim
2012 8th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, 1-5, 2012
Visual Control of an Autonomous Indoor Robotic Blimp
LM Alkurdi, RB Fisher
Robotic Vision: Technologies for Machine Learning and Vision Applications …, 2013
Dynamic contextualization and comparison as the basis of biologically inspired action understanding
L Alkurdi, C Busch, A Peer
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 9 (1), 19-59, 2018
Fuzzy Control of a Robotic Blimp
LM Alkurdi
The University of Edinburgh, 2011
Intention Recognition in Dynamic Field Theory
LMH Alkurdi
Technische Universität München, 2019
Evaluating the Elevator Round Trip Time under Up-Peak Traffic Conditions using the Monte Carlo Simulation Method
L Al-Sharif, H Aldahiyat, L Alkurdi, M Al-Adhem
Elevator Technology 19, 166-177, 2012
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Articles 1–8