David Pickernell
David Pickernell
Professor of Small Business and Enterprise Development Policy, Swansea University School of
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Attitudes towards entrepreneurship education: a comparative analysis
G Packham, P Jones, C Miller, D Pickernell, B Thomas
Education+ training 52 (8/9), 568-586, 2010
An exploration of the attitudes and strategic responses of sole-proprietor micro-enterprises in adopting information and communication technology
P Jones, G Simmons, G Packham, P Beynon-Davies, D Pickernell
International Small Business Journal 32 (3), 285-306, 2014
Country-based comparison analysis using fsQCA investigating entrepreneurial attitudes and activity
MJ Beynon, P Jones, D Pickernell
Journal of Business Research 69 (4), 1271-1276, 2016
Graduate entrepreneurs are different: they access more resources?
D Pickernell, G Packham, P Jones, C Miller, B Thomas
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 17 (2), 183-202, 2011
A tale of two universities: graduates perceived value of entrepreneurship education
P Jones, D Pickernell, R Fisher, C Netana
Education+ Training 59 (7/8), 689-705, 2017
Evaluating the impact of different training methods on SME business performance
P Jones, MJ Beynon, D Pickernell, G Packham
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 31 (1), 56-81, 2013
Network structure, knowledge governance, and firm performance: Evidence from innovation networks and SMEs in the UK
N Clifton, R Keast, D Pickernell, M Senior
Growth and Change 41 (3), 337-373, 2010
Investigating the impact of training influence on employee retention in small and medium enterprises: a regression‐type classification and ranking believe simplex analysis on …
MJ Beynon, P Jones, D Pickernell, G Packham
Expert Systems 32 (1), 141-154, 2015
Country-level entrepreneurial attitudes and activity through the years: A panel data analysis using fsQCA
MJ Beynon, P Jones, D Pickernell
Journal of Business Research 115, 443-455, 2020
Competing agendas in public procurement: an empirical analysis of opportunities and limits in the UK for SMEs
D Pickernell, A Kay, G Packham, C Miller
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 29 (4), 641-658, 2011
New and young firms: Entrepreneurship policy and the role of government–evidence from the Federation of Small Businesses survey
D Pickernell, J Senyard, P Jones, G Packham, E Ramsey
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 20 (2), 358-382, 2013
Signalling entrepreneurs’ credibility and project quality for crowdfunding success: cases from the Kickstarter and Indiegogo environments
S Huang, D Pickernell, M Battisti, T Nguyen
Small Business Economics, 1-21, 2022
Determinants of SME exporting: Insights and implications
D Pickernell, P Jones, P Thompson, G Packham
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 17 (1), 31-42, 2016
Attitudes and motivations of Polish students towards entrepreneurial activity
P Jones, C Miller, A Jones, G Packham, D Pickernell, P Zbierowski
Education+ Training 53 (5), 416-432, 2011
Surviving or thriving: The role of learning for the resilient performance of small firms
M Battisti, M Beynon, D Pickernell, D Deakins
Journal of Business Research 100, 38-50, 2019
Public sector evaluation of festivals and special events
D O'Sullivan, D Pickernell, J Senyard
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 1 (1), 19-36, 2009
Entrepreneurial climate and self-perceptions about entrepreneurship: a country comparison using fsQCA with dual outcomes
MJ Beynon, P Jones, D Pickernell
Journal of Business Research 89, 418-428, 2018
Assessing the economic significance of port activity: Evidence from ABP operations in industrial South Wales
J Bryan, M Munday, D Pickernell, A Roberts
Maritime Policy & Management 33 (4), 371-386, 2006
E-commerce trading activity and the SME sector: an FSB perspective
D Pickernell, P Jones, G Packham, B Thomas, G White, R Willis
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 20 (4), 866-888, 2013
Developing a framework for network and cluster identification for use in economic development policy-making
D Pickernell, PA Rowe, MJ Christie, D Brooksbank
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 19 (4), 339-358, 2007
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Articles 1–20