Ilan Fischer
Cited by
Cited by
Taking advice: Accepting help, improving judgment, and sharing responsibility
N Harvey, I Fischer
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 70 (2), 117-133, 1997
The hot hand fallacy and the gambler’s fallacy: Two faces of subjective randomness?
P Ayton, I Fischer
Memory & cognition 32, 1369-1378, 2004
Using advice and assessing its quality
N Harvey, C Harries, I Fischer
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 81 (2), 252-273, 2000
Combining forecasts: What information do judges need to outperform the simple average?
I Fischer, N Harvey
International journal of forecasting 15 (3), 227-246, 1999
Friend or foe: subjective expected relative similarity as a determinant of cooperation.
I Fischer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 138 (3), 341, 2009
The same but different: an empirical investigation of the reducibility principle
DV Budescu, I Fischer
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 14 (3), 187-206, 2001
Desirability and hindsight biases in predicting results of a multi-party election.
I Fischer, DV Budescu
North-Holland/Elsevier, 1995
When do those who know more also know more about how much they know? The development of confidence and performance in categorical decision tasks
I Fischer, DV Budescu
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 98 (1), 39-53, 2005
Giving advice under uncertainty: What you do, what you should do, and what others think you do
L Hadar, I Fischer
Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (5), 667-683, 2008
Development of experience-based judgment and decision making: The role of outcome feedback
N Harvey, I Fischer
The routines of decision making, 149-168, 2014
Fusing enacted and expected mimicry generates a winning strategy that promotes the evolution of cooperation
I Fischer, A Frid, SJ Goerg, SA Levin, DI Rubenstein, R Selten
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (25), 10229-10233, 2013
Contemporary psychological research on social dilemmas
R Suleiman, DV Budescu, I Fischer, DM Messick
Cambridge University Press, 2004
The behavioural challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic: indirect measurements and personalized attitude changing treatments (IMPACT)
I Fischer, S Avrashi, T Oz, R Fadul, K Gutman, D Rubenstein, G Kroliczak, ...
Royal Society Open Science 7 (8), 201131, 2020
The gambler’s fallacy and the hot-hand fallacy: Two faces of subjective randomness
P Ayton, I Fischer
Memory and Cognition 32 (8), 1369-1378, 2004
Election frequency and the emergence of cooperation in a simulated intergroup conflict
I Fischer, R Suleiman
Journal of Conflict Resolution 41 (4), 483-508, 1997
Similarity or reciprocity? On the determinants of cooperation in similarity-sensitive games
I Fischer
Psychological Inquiry 23 (1), 48-54, 2012
Several eyes for an eye: The impact of biased perceptions and noise on conflict escalation patterns
I Fischer
Peace and Conflict 17 (1), 77-84, 2011
The evolution of cooperation in a simulated inter-group conflict
R Suleiman, I Fischer
Frontiers in Social Dilemmas Research, 419-438, 1996
The emergence of reactive strategies in simulated heterogeneous populations
I Fischer
Theory and Decision 55, 289-314, 2003
Evolutionary development and learning: Two facets of strategy generation
I Fischer
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulations 6 (1), 2003
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Articles 1–20