Jennifer Wiggins
Cited by
Cited by
It just feels good: Customers’ affective response to touch and its influence on persuasion
J Peck, J Wiggins
Journal of Marketing 70 (4), 56-69, 2006
A more comprehensive understanding and measure of customer helping behavior
JW Johnson, A Rapp
Journal of Business Research 63 (8), 787-792, 2010
To influence or not to influence: External reference price strategies in pay-what-you-want pricing
JW Johnson, AP Cui
Journal of Business Research 66 (2), 275-281, 2013
Measuring individual legitimacy perceptions: Scale development and validation
K Alexiou, J Wiggins
Strategic Organization 17 (4), 470-496, 2019
Motivation, ability and opportunity to participate: a reconceptualization of the RAND model of audience development
J Wiggins
International Journal of Arts Management, 22-33, 2004
Consumption‐focused self‐expression word of mouth: A new scale and its role in consumer research
C Saenger, VL Thomas, JW Johnson
Psychology & Marketing 30 (11), 959-970, 2013
Autotelic need for touch, haptics, and persuasion: The role of involvement
J Peck, JW Johnson
Psychology & Marketing 28 (3), 222-239, 2011
Communal and exchange relationship perceptions as separate constructs and their role in motivations to donate
JW Johnson, PE Grimm
Journal of Consumer Psychology 20 (3), 282-294, 2010
Childhood brand nostalgia: A new conceptualization and scale development
AB Shields, JW Johnson
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 15 (4), 359-369, 2016
What did you do to my brand? The moderating effect of brand nostalgia on consumer responses to changes in a brand
AB Shields, JW Johnson
Psychology & Marketing 33 (9), 713-728, 2016
The role of network embeddedness and psychological ownership in consumer responses to brand transgressions
CA Kuchmaner, J Wiggins, PE Grimm
Journal of Interactive Marketing 47 (1), 129-143, 2019
Web strategies and the performing arts: A solution to difficult brands
SB Preece, JW Johnson
International Journal of Arts Management 14 (1), 19, 2011
Hidden consumption behaviour: an alternative response to social group influence
VL Thomas, RD Jewell, J Wiggins Johnson
European Journal of Marketing 49 (3/4), 512-531, 2015
Crowdfunding acts as a funding substitute and a legitimating signal for nonprofit performing arts organizations
K Alexiou, J Wiggins, SB Preece
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 49 (4), 827-848, 2020
The Routledge companion to arts marketing
D O'Reilly, R Rentschler, T Kirchner
Routledge, 2013
Can consumers perceive collective psychological ownership of an organization?
J Wiggins
Psychological ownership and consumer behavior, 177-194, 2018
Do specialized MBA programs cultivate alumni relationships and donations?
JW Johnson, V Thomas, J Peck
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 20 (1), 119-134, 2010
Can purchase behavior predict relationship perceptions and willingness to donate?
JW Johnson, J Peck, DA Schweidel
Psychology & Marketing 31 (8), 647-659, 2014
The Influence of Messages and Benefits on Donors’ Attributed Motivations: Findings of a Study With 14 American Performing Arts Presenters
JW Johnson, B Ellis
International Journal of Arts Management 13 (2), 4-15, 2011
What you ask changes what I pay: Framing effects in pay what you want pricing
AP Cui, J Wiggins
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 25 (4), 323-339, 2017
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Articles 1–20