Germline P granules are liquid droplets that localize by controlled dissolution/condensation CP Brangwynne, CR Eckmann, DS Courson, A Rybarska, C Hoege, ... Science 324 (5935), 1729-1732, 2009 | 3053 | 2009 |
Liquid-liquid phase separation in biology AA Hyman, CA Weber, F Jülicher Annual review of cell and developmental biology 30 (1), 39-58, 2014 | 3020 | 2014 |
Modeling molecular motors F Jülicher, A Ajdari, J Prost Reviews of Modern Physics 69 (4), 1269, 1997 | 2271 | 1997 |
The influence of cell mechanics, cell-cell interactions, and proliferation on epithelial packing R Farhadifar, JC Röper, B Aigouy, S Eaton, F Jülicher Current biology 17 (24), 2095-2104, 2007 | 1407 | 2007 |
Cell Flow Reorients the Axis of Planar Polarity in the Wing Epithelium of Drosophila B Aigouy, R Farhadifar, DB Staple, A Sagner, JC Röper, F Jülicher, ... Cell 142 (5), 773-786, 2010 | 775 | 2010 |
Active gel physics J Prost, F Jülicher, JF Joanny Nature physics 11 (2), 111-117, 2015 | 770 | 2015 |
Asters, vortices, and rotating spirals in active gels of polar filaments K Kruse, JF Joanny, F Jülicher, J Prost, K Sekimoto Physical review letters 92 (7), 078101, 2004 | 660 | 2004 |
Adhesion functions in cell sorting by mechanically coupling the cortices of adhering cells JL Maître, H Berthoumieux, SFG Krens, G Salbreux, F Jülicher, E Paluch, ... science 338 (6104), 253-256, 2012 | 640 | 2012 |
Generic theory of active polar gels: a paradigm for cytoskeletal dynamics K Kruse, JF Joanny, F Jülicher, J Prost, K Sekimoto The European Physical Journal E 16, 5-16, 2005 | 640 | 2005 |
Anisotropies in cortical tension reveal the physical basis of polarizing cortical flows M Mayer, M Depken, JS Bois, F Jülicher, SW Grill Nature 467 (7315), 617-621, 2010 | 560 | 2010 |
Formation and interaction of membrane tubes I Derényi, F Jülicher, J Prost Physical review letters 88 (23), 238101, 2002 | 557 | 2002 |
Fluidization of tissues by cell division and apoptosis J Ranft, M Basan, J Elgeti, JF Joanny, J Prost, F Jülicher Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (49), 20863-20868, 2010 | 543 | 2010 |
Active behavior of the cytoskeleton F Juelicher, K Kruse, J Prost, JF Joanny Physics reports 449 (1-3), 3-28, 2007 | 537 | 2007 |
Auditory sensitivity provided by self-tuned critical oscillations of hair cells S Camalet, T Duke, F Jülicher, J Prost Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 97 (7), 3183-3188, 2000 | 487 | 2000 |
Experimental and theoretical study of mitotic spindle orientation M Théry, A Jiménez-Dalmaroni, V Racine, M Bornens, F Jülicher Nature 447 (7143), 493-496, 2007 | 477 | 2007 |
Kinetics of morphogen gradient formation A Kicheva, P Pantazis, T Bollenbach, Y Kalaidzidis, T Bittig, F Julicher, ... Science 315 (5811), 521-525, 2007 | 467 | 2007 |
Cortical dynein controls microtubule dynamics to generate pulling forces that position microtubule asters L Laan, N Pavin, J Husson, G Romet-Lemonne, M Van Duijn, MP López, ... Cell 148 (3), 502-514, 2012 | 443 | 2012 |
Calibration of optical tweezers with positional detection in the back focal plane SF Tolić-Nørrelykke, E Schäffer, J Howard, FS Pavone, F Jülicher, ... Review of scientific instruments 77 (10), 2006 | 440 | 2006 |
Cooperative molecular motors F Jülicher, J Prost Physical review letters 75 (13), 2618, 1995 | 429 | 1995 |
Domain-induced budding of vesicles F Jülicher, R Lipowsky Physical review letters 70 (19), 2964, 1993 | 425 | 1993 |