Tracie Woidtke
Tracie Woidtke
Professor of Finance, University of Tennessee
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Cited by
Agents watching agents?: evidence from pension fund ownership and firm value
T Woidtke
Journal of Financial Economics 63 (1), 99-131, 2002
Do boards pay attention when institutional investor activists “just vote no”?
D Del Guercio, L Seery, T Woidtke
Journal of Financial Economics 90 (1), 84-103, 2008
Do boards pay attention when institutional investor activists “just vote no”?
D Del Guercio, L Seery, T Woidtke
Journal of Financial Economics 90 (1), 84-103, 2008
Family control and corporate governance: Evidence from Taiwan
Y Yeh, T Lee, T Woidtke
International Review of finance 2 (1‐2), 21-48, 2001
Family control and corporate governance: Evidence from Taiwan
Y Yeh, T Lee, T Woidtke
International Review of finance 2 (1‐2), 21-48, 2001
Commitment or entrenchment?: Controlling shareholders and board composition
YH Yeh, T Woidtke
Journal of Banking & Finance 29 (7), 1857-1885, 2005
Does investor identity matter in equity issues? Evidence from private placements
S Krishnamurthy, P Spindt, V Subramaniam, T Woidtke
Journal of Financial Intermediation 14 (2), 210-238, 2005
Appointments of academic directors
JT White, T Woidtke, HA Black, RL Schweitzer
Journal of Corporate Finance 28, 135-151, 2014
The role of the audit committee and the informativeness of accounting earnings in East Asia
T Woidtke, YH Yeh
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 23, 1-24, 2013
Differences in the information environment prior to seasoned equity offerings under relaxed disclosure regulation
SB Clinton, JT White, T Woidtke
Journal of Accounting and Economics 58 (1), 59-78, 2014
Investor protection and real investment by US multinationals
E Kelley, T Woidtke
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 41 (3), 541-572, 2006
The role of negotiations in corporate governance: evidence from withdrawn shareholder-initiated proposals
NK Chidambaran, T Woidtke
EFA 458, 99-12, 1999
Can strong corporate governance selectively mitigate the negative influence of “special interest” shareholder activists? Evidence from the labor market for directors
D Del Guercio, T Woidtke
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 54 (4), 1573-1614, 2019
Do the interests of public pension fund and labor union activists align with other shareholders? Evidence from the market for directors
D Del Guercio, T Woidtke
Evidence from the Market for Directors (August 1, 2012), 2012
Reining in activist funds
T Woidtke, L Bierman, C Tuggle
Harvard Business Review 81 (3), 22-22, 2003
The mitigating effect of the market for directors on ‘special interest’shareholder activism
D Del Guercio, T Woidtke
Working paper, 2016
Commitment or entrenchment?: Controlling shareholders and board composition
T Woidtke, YH Yeh
Essays on the impact of institutional investors on firm value
T Woidtke
Tulane University, 1997
Do boards pay attention when institutional investor activists “just vote no”?
T Woidtke, L Seery, D Del Guercio
Can Adverse Effects of Poor Investor Protection Be Mitigated by Incoming Foreign Investment?
E Kelley, T Woidtke
CESifo DICE Report 5 (1), 28-32, 2007
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Articles 1–20