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Development of micro selective laser melting: the state of the art and future perspectives
B Nagarajan, Z Hu, X Song, W Zhai, J Wei
Engineering 5 (4), 702-720, 2019
Advances in additive manufacturing process simulation: Residual stresses and distortion predictions in complex metallic components
X Song, S Feih, W Zhai, CN Sun, F Li, R Maiti, J Wei, Y Yang, V Oancea, ...
Materials & design 193, 108779, 2020
Microlattice metamaterials with simultaneous superior acoustic and mechanical energy absorption
X Li, X Yu, JW Chua, HP Lee, J Ding, W Zhai
Small 17 (24), 2100336, 2021
Composite NASICON (Na3Zr2Si2PO12) Solid-State Electrolyte with Enhanced Na+ Ionic Conductivity: Effect of Liquid Phase Sintering
JAS Oh, L He, A Plewa, M Morita, Y Zhao, T Sakamoto, X Song, W Zhai, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (43), 40125-40133, 2019
Additively manufactured deformationrecoverable and broadband soundabsorbing microlattice inspired by the concept of traditional perforated panels
X Li, X Yu, W Zhai
Advanced Materials 33 (44), 2104552, 2021
Strong and tough conductive organohydrogels via freezecasting assisted solution substitution
X Dong, X Guo, Q Liu, Y Zhao, H Qi, W Zhai
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (31), 2203610, 2022
Enhancement in the mechanical behaviour of a Schwarz Primitive periodic minimal surface lattice structure design
X Guo, J Ding, X Li, S Qu, X Song, JYH Fuh, WF Lu, W Zhai
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 216, 106977, 2022
Strong and tough fibrous hydrogels reinforced by multiscale hierarchical structures with multimechanisms
X Guo, X Dong, G Zou, H Gao, W Zhai
Science Advances 9 (2), eadf7075, 2023
Micro selective laser melting of NiTi shape memory alloy: Defects, microstructures and thermal/mechanical properties
J Fu, Z Hu, X Song, W Zhai, Y Long, H Li, M Fu
Optics & Laser Technology 131, 106374, 2020
Microstructure-based experimental and numerical investigations on the sound absorption property of open-cell metallic foams manufactured by a template replication technique
W Zhai, X Yu, X Song, LYL Ang, F Cui, HP Lee, T Li
Materials & Design 137, 108-116, 2018
Multifunctional sound-absorbing and mechanical metamaterials via a decoupled mechanism design approach
Z Li, X Li, Z Wang, W Zhai
Materials Horizons 10 (1), 75-87, 2023
Wave trapping by acoustic black hole: Simultaneous reduction of sound reflection and transmission
Y Mi, W Zhai, L Cheng, C Xi, X Yu
Applied Physics Letters 118 (11), 2021
TPMS-based interpenetrating lattice structures: design, mechanical properties and multiscale optimization
M Zhao, X Li, DZ Zhang, W Zhai
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 244, 108092, 2023
Additively manufactured dual-functional metamaterials with customisable mechanical and sound-absorbing properties
Z Li, W Zhai, X Li, X Yu, Z Guo, Z Wang
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 17 (4), 864-880, 2022
Interpenetrating phase composites with 3D printed triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) lattice structures
X Guo, J Ding, X Li, S Qu, JYH Fuh, WF Lu, X Song, W Zhai
Composites Part B: Engineering 248, 110351, 2023
Buffer pellets for high yield, top seeded melt growth of large grain Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors
DK Namburi, YH Shi, W Zhai, AR Dennis, J Durrell, D Cardwell
Crystal Growth & Design 15 (3), 1472-1480, 2015
Deposition characteristics of cold sprayed Inconel 718 particles on Inconel 718 substrates with different surface conditions
W Sun, AWY Tan, A Bhowmik, I Marinescu, X Song, W Zhai, F Li, E Liu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 720, 75-84, 2018
Understanding the microstructural evolution of cold sprayed Ti-6Al-4V coatings on Ti-6Al-4V substrates
JY Lek, A Bhowmik, AWY Tan, W Sun, X Song, W Zhai, PJ Buenconsejo, ...
Applied surface science 459, 492-504, 2018
Residual stresses in single particle splat of metal cold spray process–Numerical simulation and direct measurement
X Song, J Everaerts, W Zhai, H Zheng, AWY Tan, W Sun, F Li, I Marinescu, ...
Materials letters 230, 152-156, 2018
Multilevel bioinspired microlattice with broadband soundabsorption capabilities and deformationtolerant compressive response
X Li, X Yu, M Zhao, Z Li, Z Wang, W Zhai
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (2), 2210160, 2023
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