Lucas K Mentch
Cited by
Cited by
Quantifying uncertainty in random forests via confidence intervals and hypothesis tests
L Mentch, G Hooker
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (1), 841-881, 2016
Unrestricted permutation forces extrapolation: variable importance requires at least one more model, or there is no free variable importance
G Hooker, L Mentch, S Zhou
Statistics and Computing 31, 1-16, 2021
Please stop permuting features: An explanation and alternatives
G Hooker, L Mentch
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.03151 2, 1, 2019
Randomization as regularization: A degrees of freedom explanation for random forest success
L Mentch, S Zhou
Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 (171), 1-36, 2020
Earlier Isn't Always Better: Sub-aspect Analysis on Corpus and System Biases in Summarization
T Jung, D Kang, L Mentch, E Hovy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.11723, 2019
Integrative modelling of tumour DNA methylation quantifies the contribution of metabolism
M Mehrmohamadi, LK Mentch, AG Clark, JW Locasale
Nature communications 7 (1), 13666, 2016
R-CMap—An open-source software for concept mapping
H Bar, L Mentch
Evaluation and Program Planning 60, 284-292, 2017
The importance of calibration in clinical psychology
O Lindhiem, IT Petersen, LK Mentch, EA Youngstrom
Assessment 27 (4), 840-854, 2020
Rates of convergence for random forests via generalized U-statistics
W Peng, T Coleman, L Mentch
Electronic Journal of Statistics 16 (1), 232-292, 2022
Formal hypothesis tests for additive structure in random forests
L Mentch, G Hooker
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 (3), 589-597, 2017
Predictive inference with random forests: A new perspective on classical analyses
RJ McAlexander, L Mentch
Research & Politics 7 (1), 2053168020905487, 2020
Scalable and efficient hypothesis testing with random forests
T Coleman, W Peng, L Mentch
Journal of Machine Learning Research 23 (170), 1-35, 2022
Use and misuse of random forest variable importance metrics in medicine: demonstrations through incident stroke prediction
ML Wallace, L Mentch, BJ Wheeler, AL Tapia, M Richards, S Zhou, L Yi, ...
BMC medical research methodology 23 (1), 144, 2023
Trees, forests, chickens, and eggs: when and why to prune trees in a random forest
S Zhou, L Mentch
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal 16 (1), 45-64, 2023
Physiological sleep measures predict time to 15‐year mortality in community adults: application of a novel machine learning framework
ML Wallace, TS Coleman, LK Mentch, DJ Buysse, JL Graves, EW Hagen, ...
Journal of sleep research 30 (6), e13386, 2021
Bootstrap bias corrections for ensemble methods
G Hooker, L Mentch
Statistics and Computing 28, 77-86, 2018
V-statistics and variance estimation
Z Zhou, L Mentch, G Hooker
Journal of Machine Learning Research 22 (287), 1-48, 2021
Asymptotic distributions and rates of convergence for random forests via generalized U-statistics
W Peng, T Coleman, L Mentch
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.10651, 2019
Asymptotic distributions and rates of convergence for random forests and other resampled ensemble learners
W Peng, T Coleman, L Mentch
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.10651, 2019
On racial disparities in recent fatal police shootings
L Mentch
Statistics and Public Policy 7 (1), 9-18, 2020
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Articles 1–20