Manuela Delfino
Manuela Delfino
Scuola secondaria di I grado "don Milani" - Genova
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Online or face‐to‐face? Experimenting with different techniques in teacher training
M Delfino, D Persico
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 23 (5), 351-365, 2007
The expression of social presence through the use of figurative language in a web-based learning environment
M Delfino, S Manca
Computers in Human Behavior 23 (5), 2190-2211, 2007
An online course fostering self-regulation of trainee teachers
M Delfino, G Dettori, D Persico
Psicothema, 299-305, 2010
Adapting educational practices in emergency remote education: Continuity and change from a student perspective
S Manca, M Delfino
British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (4), 1394-1413, 2021
Coding procedures to analyse interaction patterns in educational web forums
S Manca, M Delfino, E Mazzoni
Journal of computer assisted learning 25 (2), 189-200, 2009
Self‐regulated learning in virtual communities
M Delfino, G Dettori, D Persico
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 17 (3), 195-205, 2008
Learners’ representation of their affective domain through figurative language in a web‐based learning environment
S Manca, M Delfino
Distance Education 28 (1), 25-43, 2007
Online learning: Attitudes, expectations and prejudices of adult novices
M Delfino, S Manca, D Persico, L Sarti
Proceedings of the IASTED Web Based Education Conference, 31-36, 2004
Foundational skills and dispositions for learning: An experience with information problem solving on the web
F Caviglia, M Delfino
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 25 (4), 487-512, 2016
Harmonizing the Online and Face-to-Face Components in a Blended Course on Educational Technology.
M Delfino, S Manca, D Persico
Online Submission, 2007
Apprendimento online: proposte metodologiche
M Delfino, S Manca, D Persico
Guerini, 2006
Online or face-to-face
M Delfino, D Persico
Experimenting with different, 2007
Come costruire conoscenza in rete
M Delfino, S Manca, D Persico, L Sarti
Ortona, Edizioni Menabò, 2005
Against BibliOblivion: How modern scribes digitized an old book
M Delfino
Computers & Education 57 (3), 2145-2155, 2011
Tra balene e barchette di carta: linguaggio figurato e dimensione socio-identitaria
M Delfino, S Manca
Italian Journal of Educational Technology 13 (2), 28-28, 2005
Task-based learning and ICT: creative activities in the context of a European project
M Delfino, G Dettori, V Lupi
eLearning Papers 16, 1-11, 2009
Self-regulated learning: issues and challenges for initial teacher training
M Delfino, D Persico
Handbook of research on new media literacy at the K-12 level: Issues and …, 2009
Imparare ad imparare con le tecnologie
M Delfino, G Dettori, D Persico
Italian Journal of Educational Technology 17 (1), 51-51, 2009
How technology can support initial teacher training: A case study
D Persico, M Delfino
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 4001-4008, 2004
Influence of task nature on learner self-regulation in online activities
M Delfino, G Dettori, D Persico
Fostering self-regulated learning through ICT, 145-161, 2011
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