Xiaoge Zeng
Xiaoge Zeng
Research Engineer, Aurora Innovation
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Cited by
Tunable coupled-mode dispersion compensation and its application to on-chip resonant four-wave mixing
CM Gentry, X Zeng, MA Popović
Optics letters 39 (19), 5689-5692, 2014
Quantum-correlated photon pairs generated in a commercial 45 nm complementary metal-oxide semiconductor microelectronic chip
CM Gentry, JM Shainline, MT Wade, MJ Stevens, SD Dyer, X Zeng, ...
Optica 2 (12), 1065-1071, 2015
Ultra-low-loss CMOS-compatible waveguide crossing arrays based on multimode Bloch waves and imaginary coupling
Y Liu, JM Shainline, X Zeng, MA Popović
Optics letters 39 (2), 335-338, 2014
Silicon–germanium avalanche photodiodes with direct control of electric field in charge multiplication region
X Zeng, Z Huang, B Wang, D Liang, M Fiorentino, RG Beausoleil
Optica 6 (6), 772-777, 2019
A low-voltage Si-Ge avalanche photodiode for high-speed and energy efficient silicon photonic links
B Wang, Z Huang, WV Sorin, X Zeng, D Liang, M Fiorentino, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (12), 3156-3163, 2019
An energy-efficient and bandwidth-scalable DWDM heterogeneous silicon photonics integration platform
D Liang, S Srinivasan, G Kurczveil, B Tossoun, S Cheung, Y Yuan, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 28 (6: High Density …, 2022
Four-wave mixing in silicon coupled-cavity resonators with port-selective, orthogonal supermode excitation
X Zeng, CM Gentry, MA Popović
Optics letters 40 (9), 2120-2123, 2015
64 Gb/s low-voltage waveguide SiGe avalanche photodiodes with distributed Bragg reflectors
B Wang, Z Huang, Y Yuan, D Liang, X Zeng, M Fiorentino, RG Beausoleil
Photonics Research 8 (7), 1118-1123, 2020
Design of triply-resonant microphotonic parametric oscillators based on Kerr nonlinearity
X Zeng, MA Popović
Optics Express 22 (13), 15837-15867, 2014
High responsivity Si-Ge waveguide avalanche photodiodes enhanced by loop reflector
Y Yuan, Z Huang, X Zeng, D Liang, WV Sorin, M Fiorentino, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 28 (2: Optical …, 2021
A 100 Gb/s PAM4 two-segment silicon microring resonator modulator using a standard foundry process
Y Yuan, WV Sorin, Z Huang, X Zeng, D Liang, A Kumar, S Palermo, ...
Acs Photonics 9 (4), 1165-1171, 2022
Channel add–drop filter based on dual photonic crystal cavities in push–pull mode
CV Poulton, X Zeng, MT Wade, MA Popović
Optics letters 40 (18), 4206-4209, 2015
Energy efficiency analysis of comb source carrier-injection ring-based silicon photonic link
Y London, T Van Vaerenbergh, AJ Rizzo, P Sun, J Hulme, G Kurczveil, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26 (2), 1-13, 2019
A compact model for Si-Ge avalanche photodiodes over a wide range of multiplication gain
B Wang, Z Huang, X Zeng, WV Sorin, D Liang, M Fiorentino, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37 (13), 3229-3235, 2019
Photonic crystal microcavities in a microelectronics 45-nm SOI CMOS technology
CV Poulton, X Zeng, MT Wade, JM Shainline, JS Orcutt, MA Popović
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27 (6), 665-668, 2015
Wavelength conversion in modulated coupled-resonator systems and their design via an equivalent linear filter representation
MT Wade, X Zeng, MA Popović
Optics letters 40 (1), 107-110, 2014
Integrated green DWDM photonics for next-gen high-performance computing
D Liang, G Kurczveil, Z Huang, B Wang, A Descos, S Srinivasan, Y Hu, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th1E. 2, 2020
64 Gbps PAM4 Si-Ge waveguide avalanche photodiodes with excellent temperature stability
Y Yuan, Z Huang, B Wang, WV Sorin, X Zeng, D Liang, M Fiorentino, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (17), 4857-4866, 2020
Avalanche photodiodes on silicon photonics
Y Yuan, B Tossoun, Z Huang, X Zeng, G Kurczveil, M Fiorentino, D Liang, ...
Journal of Semiconductors 43 (2), 021301, 2022
Tailoring of individual photon lifetimes as a degree of freedom in resonant quantum photonic sources
CM Gentry, GT Garcés, X Zeng, MA Popović
CLEO: Applications and Technology, JTu5A. 17, 2016
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Articles 1–20