Nigel Andrew
Cited by
Cited by
Biological responses to the press and pulse of climate trends and extreme events
RMB Harris, LJ Beaumont, TR Vance, CR Tozer, TA Remenyi, ...
Nature Climate Change 8 (7), 579-587, 2018
Higher predation risk for insect prey at low latitudes and elevations
T Roslin, B Hardwick, V Novotny, WK Petry, NR Andrew, A Asmus, ...
Science 356, 742-4, 2017
The fourth‐corner solution–using predictive models to understand how species traits interact with the environment
AM Brown, DI Warton, NR Andrew, M Binns, G Cassis, H Gibb
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (4), 344-352, 2014
Putting plant resistance traits on the map: a test of the idea that plants are better defended at lower latitudes
AT Moles, IR Wallis, WJ Foley, DI Warton, JC Stegen, AJ Bisigato, ...
New Phytologist 191 (3), 777-788, 2011
Impacts of recent climate change on terrestrial flora and fauna: Some emerging Australian examples
AA Hoffmann, PD Rymer, M Byrne, KX Ruthrof, J Whinam, M McGeoch, ...
Austral Ecology 44 (1), 3-27, 2019
Correlations between physical and chemical defences in plants: tradeoffs, syndromes, or just many different ways to skin a herbivorous cat?
AT Moles, B Peco, IR Wallis, WJ Foley, AGB Poore, EW Seabloom, ...
New Phytologist 198 (1), 252-263, 2013
Assessing insect responses to climate change: What are we testing for? Where should we be heading?
NR Andrew, SJ Hill, M Binns, MH Bahar, EV Ridley, MP Jung, C Fyfe, ...
PeerJ 1, e11, 2013
Frequent fuel‐reduction burning: the role of logs and associated leaf litter in the conservation of ant biodiversity
N Andrew, L Rodgerson, A York
Austral Ecology 25 (1), 99-107, 2000
Herbivore damage along a latitudinal gradient: relative impacts of different feeding guilds
NR Andrew, L Hughes
Oikos 108 (1), 176-182, 2005
Insects as poultry feed: a scoping study for poultry production systems in Australia
M Khusro, NR Andrew, A Nicholas
World's Poultry Science Journal 68 (3), 435-446, 2012
Can temperate insects take the heat? A case study of the physiological and behavioural responses in a common ant,< i> Iridomyrmex purpureus</i>(Formicidae), with potential …
NR Andrew, RA Hart, MP Jung, Z Hemmings, JS Terblanche
Journal of Insect Physiology 59 (9), 870-880, 2013
Diversity and assemblage structure of phytophagous Hemiptera along a latitudinal gradient: predicting the potential impacts of climate change
NR Andrew, L Hughes
Glob Ecol Biogeogr 14, 249-262, 2005
Does morphology predict trophic position and habitat use of ant species and assemblages?
H Gibb, J Stoklosa, DI Warton, AM Brown, NR Andrew, SA Cunningham
Oecologia 177, 519-531, 2015
Variation in invertebrate–bryophyte community structure at different spatial scales along altitudinal gradients
NR Andrew, L Rodgerson, M Dunlop
Journal of biogeography 30 (5), 731-746, 2003
Mobile gene cassettes: a fundamental resource for bacterial evolution
CA Michael, MR Gillings, AJ Holmes, L Hughes, NR Andrew, MP Holley, ...
The American naturalist 164 (1), 1-12, 2004
Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover
JS Santangelo, RW Ness, B Cohan, CR Fitzpatrick, SG Innes, S Koch, ...
Science 375 (6586), 1275-1281, 2022
Species diversity and structure of phytophagous beetle assemblages along a latitudinal gradient: predicting the potential impacts of climate change
NR Andrew, L Hughes
Ecological Entomology 29 (5), 527-542, 2004
Morphological traits: predictable responses to macrohabitats across a 300 km scale
ML Yates, NR Andrew, M Binns, H Gibb
PeerJ 2, e271, 2014
Black soldier fly larvae in broiler diets improve broiler performance and modulate the immune system
J de Souza Vilela, NM Andronicos, M Kolakshyapati, M Hilliar, ...
Animal Nutrition 7 (3), 695-706, 2021
Measuring continuous compositional change using decline and decay in zeta diversity
MA McGeoch, G Latombe, NR Andrew, S Nakagawa, DA Nipperess, ...
Ecology 100 (11), e02832, 2019
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Articles 1–20