Cristina Martin-Puig
Cristina Martin-Puig
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SAR altimeter backscattered waveform model
C Ray, C Martin-Puig, MP Clarizia, G Ruffini, S Dinardo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 53 (2), 911-919, 2014
The Copernicus Sentinel-6 mission: Enhanced continuity of satellite sea level measurements from space
CJ Donlon, R Cullen, L Giulicchi, P Vuilleumier, CR Francis, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 258, 112395, 2021
The Copernicus polar ice and snow topography altimeter (CRISTAL) high-priority candidate mission
M Kern, R Cullen, B Berruti, J Bouffard, T Casal, MR Drinkwater, ...
The Cryosphere 14 (7), 2235-2251, 2020
SAR altimeter retracker performance bound over water surfaces
C Martin-Puig, G Ruffini
2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 5, V-449-V-452, 2009
Theoretical model of SAR altimeter over water surfaces
C Martin-Puig, G Ruffini, J Marquez, D Cotton, M Srokosz, P Challenor, ...
IGARSS 2008-2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2008
User requirements in the coastal ocean for satellite altimetry
C Dufau, C Martin-Puig, L Moreno
Coastal altimetry, 51-60, 2011
Review of state of knowledge for SAR altimetry over ocean
C Gommenginger, C Martin-Puig, L Amarouche, RK Raney
Report of the EUMETSAT JASON-CS SAR mode error budget study (EUM/RSP/REP/14 …, 2013
Improved altimetric accuracy of SAR altimeters over the ocean: Observational evidence from Cryosat-2 SAR and Jason-2
C Gommenginger, C Martin-Puig, S Dinardo, D Cotton, M Srokosz, ...
Proc. Ocean Surf. Topogr. Sci. Team Meet, 1-35, 2011
RADS version 4: An efficient way to analyse the multi-mission altimeter database
R Scharroo, E Leuliette, M Naeije, C Martin-Puig, N Pires
Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium 9, 2016
Satellite altimetry: sailing closer to the coast
S Vignudelli, P Cipollini, C Gommenginger, S Gleason, HM Snaith, ...
Remote sensing of the changing oceans, 217-238, 2011
Evaluating the performance of Jason-2 open-loop and closed-loop tracker modes
C Martin-Puig, E Leuliette, J Lillibridge, M Roca
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33 (11), 2277-2288, 2016
COASTALT: Improving radar altimetry products in the oceanic coastal area
J Gómez-Enri, P Cipollini, C Gommenginger, C Martin-Puig, S Vignudelli, ...
Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2008 7105, 132-141, 2008
Progress in Coastal Altimetry: the experience of the COASTALT Project
P Cipollini, C Gommenginger, H Coelho, J Fernandes, J Gómez-Enri, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 11, 2009
Improved altimetric performance of Cryosat-2 SAR mode over the open ocean and the coastal zone
C Gommenginger, C Martin-Puig, S Dinardo, D Cotton, J Benveniste
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6580, 2012
Amplitude and dilation compensation of the SAR altimeter backscattered power
C Ray, M Roca, C Martin-Puig, R Escolà, A Garcia
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 12 (12), 2473-2476, 2015
The COASTALT project: Towards an operational use of satellite altimetry in the coastal zone
S Vignudelli, P Cipollini, C Gommenginger, H Snaith, H Coelho, ...
OCEANS 2009, 1-6, 2009
Improving coastal altimeter products by a new retracking approach
J Gómez-Enri, P Cipollini, C Gommenginger, C Martin-Puig, S Vignudelli, ...
Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2009 7473, 83-97, 2009
The copernicus polar ice and snow topography altimeter (CRISTAL): expected mission contributions
M Kern, R Cullen, B Berruti, J Bouffard, T Casal, MR Drinkwater, ...
The Cryosphere Discussions 2020, 1-27, 2020
SARin mode, and a window delay approach, for coastal altimetry
P García, C Martin-Puig, M Roca
Advances in Space Research 62 (6), 1358-1370, 2018
Evaluation of SAMOSA3 adapted retracker using Cryosat-2 SAR altimetry data over the Arctic ocean
M Jain, C Martin-Puig, OB Andersen, L Stenseng, J Dall
2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 5115-5118, 2014
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Articles 1–20