Ruby B. Lee
Ruby B. Lee
Forrest G. Hamrick Professor of Electrical Engineering, also Computer Science
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Cited by
Last-level cache side-channel attacks are practical
F Liu, Y Yarom, Q Ge, G Heiser, RB Lee
2015 IEEE symposium on security and privacy, 605-622, 2015
New cache designs for thwarting software cache-based side channel attacks
Z Wang, RB Lee
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA); also ACM …, 2007
Security as a new dimension in embedded system design
P Kocher, R Lee, G McGraw, A Raghunathan
Proceedings of the 41st annual design automation conference, 753-760, 2004
Catalyst: Defeating last-level cache side channel attacks in cloud computing
F Liu, Q Ge, Y Yarom, F Mckeen, C Rozas, G Heiser, RB Lee
2016 IEEE international symposium on high performance computer architecture …, 2016
Distributed Denial of Service: Taxonomies of Attacks, Tools, and Countermeasures.
SM Specht, RB Lee
PDCS, 543-550, 2004
Subword parallelism with MAX-2
RB Lee
IEEE micro 16 (4), 51-59, 1996
Accelerating multimedia with enhanced microprocessors
RB Lee
Micro, IEEE 15 (2), 22-32, 1995
Eliminating the hypervisor attack surface for a more secure cloud
J Szefer, E Keller, RB Lee, J Rexford
ACM conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 401-412, 2011
Covert and side channels due to processor architecture
Z Wang, RB Lee
2006 22nd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC'06), 473-482, 2006
NoHype: virtualized cloud infrastructure without the virtualization
E Keller, J Szefer, J Rexford, RB Lee
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA); also ACM …, 2010
A novel cache architecture with enhanced performance and security
Z Wang, RB Lee
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 83-93, 2008
Model inversion attacks against collaborative inference
Z He, T Zhang, RB Lee
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2019
Random fill cache architecture
F Liu, RB Lee
2014 47th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 203-215, 2014
Cloudradar: A real-time side-channel attack detection system in clouds
T Zhang, Y Zhang, RB Lee
Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses: 19th International Symposium …, 2016
System and method for processor-based security
RB Lee, C David
US Patent 8,738,932, 2014
Architecture for protecting critical secrets in microprocessors
RB Lee, PCS Kwan, JP McGregor, J Dwoskin, Z Wang
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2-13, 2005
Characterizing hypervisor vulnerabilities in cloud computing servers
D Perez-Botero, J Szefer, RB Lee
Proceedings of the 2013 international workshop on Security in cloud …, 2013
Scalable architectural support for trusted software
D Champagne, RB Lee
HPCA-16 2010 The Sixteenth International Symposium on High-Performance …, 2010
Precision architecture
RB Lee
Computer 22 (01), 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91-78 …, 1989
Architectural support for hypervisor-secure virtualization
J Szefer, RB Lee
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 47 (4), 437-450, 2012
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Articles 1–20