Susan Hodgson
Susan Hodgson
Senior Researcher, Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)
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Cited by
Meta-analysis of studies of alcohol and breast cancer with consideration of the methodological issues
J Key, S Hodgson, RZ Omar, TK Jensen, SG Thompson, AR Boobis, ...
Cancer Causes & Control 17, 759-770, 2006
Methodologic issues and approaches to spatial epidemiology
L Beale, JJ Abellan, S Hodgson, L Jarup
Environmental health perspectives 116 (8), 1105-1110, 2008
Early kidney damage in a population exposed to cadmium and other heavy metals
LDK Thomas, S Hodgson, M Nieuwenhuijsen, L Jarup
Environmental health perspectives 117 (2), 181, 2009
Long-term exposure to road traffic noise, ambient air pollution and cardiovascular risk factors in the HUNT and Lifelines cohorts
HS Cai Y, Hansell AL, Gulliver J, Blangiardo M, Burton PR, BioSHaRE, de ...
European Heart Journal, 2017
Road traffic noise, air pollution and incident cardiovascular disease: a joint analysis of the HUNT, EPIC-Oxford and UK Biobank cohorts
HAL Cai Y, Hodgson S, Blangiardo M, Gulliver J, Morley DW, Fecht D, Vienneau ...
Environment International 114, 191-201, 2018
International scale implementation of the CNOSSOS-EU road traffic noise prediction model for epidemiological studies
DW Morley, K De Hoogh, D Fecht, F Fabbri, M Bell, PS Goodman, P Elliott, ...
Environmental pollution 206, 332-341, 2015
Associations between green space and health in English cities: an ecological, cross-sectional study
H Bixby, S Hodgson, L Fortunato, A Hansell, D Fecht
PLoS One 10 (3), e0119495, 2015
Social determinants of mid- to long-term disaster impacts on health: a systematic review
HS Nomura S, Parsons AJQ, Hirabayashi M, Kinoshita R, Liao Y
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2016
Ambient air pollution, traffic noise and adult asthma prevalence: a BioSHaRE approach
Y Cai, WL Zijlema, D Doiron, M Blangiardo, PR Burton, I Fortier, A Gaye, ...
European Respiratory Journal 49 (1), 2017
Disaster-driven evacuation and medication loss: a systematic literature review
Ochi S, Hodgson S, Landeg O, Mayner L, Murray V
PLOS Currents Disasters, 2014
Post-nuclear disaster evacuation and chronic health in adults in Fukushima, Japan: a long-term retrospective analysis
S Nomura, M Blangiardo, M Tsubokura, A Ozaki, T Morita, S Hodgson
BMJ Open, 2015
Evaluation of spatial relationships between health and the environment: the rapid inquiry facility
L Beale, S Hodgson, JJ Abellan, S LeFevre, L Jarup
Environmental health perspectives 118 (9), 1306, 2010
Bone mineral density changes in relation to environmental PCB exposure
S Hodgson, L Thomas, E Fattore, PM Lind, T Alfven, L Hellström, ...
Environmental health perspectives 116 (9), 1162-1166, 2008
Post-nuclear disaster evacuation and survival amongst elderly people in Fukushima: a comparative analysis between evacuees and non-evacuees
S Nomura, M Blangiardo, M Tsubokura, Y Nishikawa, S Gilmour, M Kami, ...
Preventive medicine 82, 77-82, 2016
Kidney disease mortality and environmental exposure to mercury
S Hodgson, MJ Nieuwenhuijsen, P Elliott, L Jarup
American journal of epidemiology 165 (1), 72-77, 2007
Food environments of young people: linking individual behaviour to environmental context
LAA Tyrrell RL, Greenhalgh F, Hodgson S, Wills WJ, Mathers JC, Adamson AJ
Journal of Public Health, 2016
Exposure misclassification due to residential mobility during pregnancy
S Hodgson, PWW Lurz, MDF Shirley, M Bythell, J Rankin
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 218 (4), 414-421, 2015
Assessment of exposure to mercury from industrial emissions: comparing “distance as a proxy” and dispersion modelling approaches
S Hodgson, MJ Nieuwenhuijsen, R Colvile, L Jarup
Occupational and environmental medicine 64 (6), 380-388, 2007
Road traffic noise, blood pressure and heart rate: Pooled analyses of harmonized data from 88,336 participants
W Zijlema, Y Cai, D Doiron, S Mbatchou, I Fortier, J Gulliver, K de Hoogh, ...
Environmental research 151, 804-813, 2016
Residential Air Pollution and Associations with Wheeze and Shortness of Breath in Adults: A Combined Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data from Two Large European Cohorts
HA Doiron D, de Hoogh K, Probst-Hensch N, Mbatchou S, Eeftens M, Cai Y ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 125 (9), 097025, 2017
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Articles 1–20