Ahmad Zafari
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Cited by
Controlling martensitic decomposition during selective laser melting to achieve best ductility in high strength Ti-6Al-4V
A Zafari, MR Barati, K Xia
Materials Science and Engineering: A 744, 445-455, 2019
Formation of nanocrystalline β structure in metastable beta Ti alloy during high pressure torsion: the role played by stress induced martensitic transformation
A Zafari, XS Wei, W Xu, K Xia
Acta Materialia 97, 146-155, 2015
Tribological behavior of AZ91D magnesium alloy at elevated temperatures
A Zafari, HM Ghasemi, R Mahmudi
Wear 292, 33-40, 2012
High Ductility in a fully martensitic microstructure: a paradox in a Ti alloy produced by selective laser melting
A Zafari, K Xia
Materials Research Letters 6 (11), 627-633, 2018
An investigation on the tribological behavior of AZ91 and AZ91+ 3 wt% RE magnesium alloys at elevated temperatures
A Zafari, HM Ghasemi, R Mahmudi
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 54, 544-552, 2014
Effect of rare earth elements addition on the tribological behavior of AZ91D magnesium alloy at elevated temperatures
A Zafari, HM Ghasemi, R Mahmudi
Wear 303 (1-2), 98-108, 2013
Framework-mediated synthesis of highly microporous onion-like carbon: energy enhancement in supercapacitors without compromising power
M Shaibani, SJD Smith, PC Banerjee, K Konstas, A Zafari, DE Lobo, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (6), 2519-2529, 2017
Formation of equiaxed α during ageing in a severely deformed metastable β Ti alloy
A Zafari, K Xia
Scripta Materialia 124, 151-154, 2016
Superior titanium from hybridised microstructures -A new strategy for future alloys
A Zafari, K Xia
Scripta Materialia 173, 61-65, 2019
Laser powder bed fusion of ultrahigh strength Fe-Cu alloys using elemental powders
A Zafari, K Xia
Additive Manufacturing 47, 102270, 2021
Nano/ultrafine grained immiscible Fe-Cu alloy with ultrahigh strength produced by selective laser melting
A Zafari, K Xia
Materials Research Letters 9 (6), 247-254, 2021
Stress induced martensitic transformation in metastable β Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr alloy: Triggering stress and interaction with deformation bands
A Zafari, K Xia
Materials Science and Engineering: A 724, 75-79, 2018
Deformation-free geometric recrystallisation in a metastable β-Ti alloy produced by selective laser melting
A Zafari, EW Lui, K Xia
Materials Research Letters 8 (3), 117-122, 2020
Grain refinement in a metastable beta Ti alloy deformed to large strains at high strain rates
A Zafari, K Xia
Acta Materialia 157, 174-185, 2018
Enhancing work hardening and ductility in additively manufactured β Ti: roles played by grain orientation, morphology and substructure
A Zafari, EWC Lui, M Li, K Xia
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 105, 131-141, 2022
Achieving fine beta grain structure in a metastable beta titanium alloy through multiple forging-annealing cycles
A Zafari, Y Ding, J Cui, K Xia
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 3633-3648, 2016
Progress in severe plastic deformation of metastable beta Ti alloys
A Zafari, K Xia
Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (1), 1900471, 2020
Effects of severe plastic deformation on grain refinement and martensitic transformation in a metastable β Ti alloy
A Zafari, XS Wei, W Xu, K Xia
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 89 (1), 012055, 2015
Superior tensile properties in additively manufactured Ti alloys
A Zafari, P Chandran, K Xia
Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 19 (5), 602-608, 2021
Processing and characterization of Al-Al3Nb prepared by mechanical alloying and equal channel angular pressing
P Chandran, A Zafari, EW Lui, K Xia
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 194 (1), 012008, 2017
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Articles 1–20