Perry Y. Li
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Liquid piston gas compression
JD Van de Ven, PY Li
Applied Energy 86 (10), 2183-2191, 2009
Passive velocity field control of mechanical manipulators
PY Li, R Horowitz
IEEE Transactions on robotics and automation 15 (4), 751-763, 2002
A miniature robotic system for reconnaissance and surveillance
DF Hougen, S Benjaafar, JC Bonney, JR Budenske, M Dvorak, M Gini, ...
Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference …, 2000
Passive bilateral control and tool dynamics rendering for nonlinear mechanical teleoperators
D Lee, PY Li
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 21 (5), 936-951, 2005
Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement in a liquid piston compressor/expander using porous media inserts
B Yan, J Wieberdink, F Shirazi, PY Li, TW Simon, JD Van de Ven
Applied energy 154, 40-50, 2015
Modeling and control of an open accumulator Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) system for wind turbines
M Saadat, FA Shirazi, PY Li
Applied Energy 137, 603-616, 2015
Traffic flow stability induced by constant time headway policy for adaptive cruise control vehicles
PY Li, A Shrivastava
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 10 (4), 275-301, 2002
Passive bilateral feedforward control of linear dynamically similar teleoperated manipulators
D Lee, PY Li
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 19 (3), 443-456, 2003
Passive velocity field control (PVFC). Part II. Application to contour following
PY Li, R Horowitz
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 46 (9), 1360-1371, 2001
Passive velocity field control (pvfc). part i. geometry and robustness
PY Li, R Horowitz
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 46 (9), 1346-1359, 2002
AHS safe control laws for platoon leaders
P Li, L Alvarez, R Horowitz
IEEE transactions on control systems technology 5 (6), 614-628, 1997
Control of smart exercise machines. i. problem formulation and nonadaptive control
PY Li, R Horowitz
IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics 2 (4), 237-247, 1997
Motion planning and control of a swimming machine
S Saimek, PY Li
The International Journal of Robotics Research 23 (1), 27-53, 2004
Thermal analysis of a compressor for application to compressed air energy storage
C Zhang, B Yan, J Wieberdink, PY Li, JD Van de Ven, E Loth, TW Simon
Applied thermal engineering 73 (2), 1402-1411, 2014
Using steady flow force for unstable valve design: modeling and experiments
Q Yuan, PY Li
Effects of porous media insert on the efficiency and power density of a high pressure (210 bar) liquid piston air compressor/expander–An experimental study
J Wieberdink, PY Li, TW Simon, JD Van de Ven
Applied energy 212, 1025-1037, 2018
Adaptive exercise machine
R Horowitz, J Shields, P Li, SL Lehman
US Patent 5,919,115, 1999
Optimal design of power-split transmissions for hydraulic hybrid passenger vehicles
KL Cheong, PY Li, TR Chase
Proceedings of the 2011 American control conference, 3295-3300, 2011
Optimal trajectories for a liquid piston compressor/expander in a compressed air energy storage system with consideration of heat transfer and friction
M Saadat, PY Li, TW Simon
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 1800-1805, 2012
Development of a hydro-mechanical hydraulic hybrid drive train with independent wheel torque control for an urban passenger vehicle
JD Van de Ven, MW Olson, PY Li
Proceedings of the national conference on fluid power 51, 503, 2008
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