Raphael Sonabend
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Cited by
Genomics and epidemiology of the P. 1 SARS-CoV-2 lineage in Manaus, Brazil
NR Faria, TA Mellan, C Whittaker, IM Claro, DS Candido, S Mishra, ...
Science 372 (6544), 815-821, 2021
Type 2 diabetes and COVID-19–related mortality in the critical care setting: a national cohort study in England, March–July 2020
JM Dennis, BA Mateen, R Sonabend, NJ Thomas, KA Patel, AT Hattersley, ...
Diabetes care 44 (1), 50-57, 2021
Non-pharmaceutical interventions, vaccination, and the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant in England: a mathematical modelling study
R Sonabend, LK Whittles, N Imai, PN Perez-Guzman, ES Knock, ...
The Lancet 398 (10313), 1825-1835, 2021
mlr3proba: an R package for machine learning in survival analysis
R Sonabend, FJ Király, A Bender, B Bischl, M Lang
Bioinformatics 37 (17), 2789-2791, 2021
Spatial and temporal fluctuations in COVID-19 fatality rates in Brazilian hospitals
A Brizzi, C Whittaker, LMS Servo, I Hawryluk, CA Prete Jr, WM de Souza, ...
Nature medicine 28 (7), 1476-1485, 2022
Deep learning for survival analysis: a review
S Wiegrebe, P Kopper, R Sonabend, B Bischl, A Bender
Artificial Intelligence Review 57 (3), 65, 2024
Author Correction: Epidemiological drivers of transmissibility and severity of SARS-CoV-2 in England
PN Perez-Guzman, E Knock, N Imai, T Rawson, Y Elmaci, J Alcada, ...
nature communications 14 (1), 8099, 2023
Interpreting estimates of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine efficacy and effectiveness to inform simulation studies of vaccine impact: a systematic review
N Imai, AB Hogan, L Williams, A Cori, TD Mangal, P Winskill, LK Whittles, ...
Wellcome Open Research 6, 185, 2021
Applied machine learning using mlr3 in R
B Bischl, R Sonabend, L Kotthoff, M Lang
CRC Press, 2024
Health related quality of life in COVID-19 survivors discharged from acute hospitals: results of a short-form 36-item survey
A Saverino, E Zsirai, R Sonabend, L Gaggero, I Cevasco, C Pistarini, ...
F1000Research 10 (282), 282, 2021
Quantifying the effect of delaying the second COVID-19 vaccine dose in England: a mathematical modelling study
N Imai, T Rawson, ES Knock, R Sonabend, Y Elmaci, PN Perez-Guzman, ...
The Lancet Public Health 8 (3), e174-e183, 2023
Cultural transmission and perception of vessel shapes among Hebron potters
E Gandon, T Nonaka, T Coyle, E Coyle, R Sonabend, C Ogbonnaya, ...
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 63, 101334, 2021
Avoiding C-hacking when evaluating survival distribution predictions with discrimination measures
R Sonabend, A Bender, S Vollmer
Bioinformatics 38 (17), 4178-4184, 2022
Evaluating the Roadmap out of Lockdown: modelling step 4 of the roadmap in the context of B. 1.617. 2
R Sonabend, LK Whittles, N Imai, ES Knock, PN Perez-Guzman, ...
Imper. Coll. London 9, 2021
Designing machine learning toolboxes: Concepts, principles and patterns
FJ Király, M Löning, A Blaom, A Guecioueur, R Sonabend
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.04938, 2021
NIPS-not even wrong? A systematic review of empirically complete demonstrations of algorithmic effectiveness in the machine learning and artificial intelligence literature
FJ Király, B Mateen, R Sonabend
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.07519, 2018
A theoretical and methodological framework for machine learning in survival analysis: Enabling transparent and accessible predictive modelling on right-censored time-to-event data
REB Sonabend
UCL (University College London), 2021
Assessing the influence of culture on craft skills: A quantitative study with expert Nepalese potters
E Gandon, T Nonaka, R Sonabend, J Endler
PLoS One 15 (10), e0239139, 2020
distr6: R6 Object-Oriented Probability Distributions Interface in R
R Sonabend, FJ Király
The R Journal 13 (1), 444-466, 2021
Diabetes and COVID-19 related mortality in the critical care setting: a Real-Time national cohort study in England
JM Dennis, BA Mateen, R Sonabend, NJ Thomas, KA Patel, AT Hattersley, ...
Available at SSRN 3615999, 2020
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Articles 1–20