Sergio Colombo
Sergio Colombo
Investigador Titular, IFAPA, Junta de Andalucia
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Rural versus urban preferences for renewable energy developments
A Bergmann, S Colombo, N Hanley
Ecological economics 65 (3), 616-625, 2008
Designing policy for reducing the off‐farm effects of soil erosion using choice experiments
S Colombo, N Hanley, J Calatrava‐Requena
Journal of Agricultural Economics 56 (1), 81-95, 2005
Modeling preference heterogeneity in stated choice data: an analysis for public goods generated by agriculture
S Colombo, N Hanley, J Louviere
Agricultural economics 40 (3), 307-322, 2009
Is there a market for functional wines? Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for resveratrol-enriched red wine
J Barreiro-Hurlé, S Colombo, E Cantos-Villar
Food Quality and Preference 19 (4), 360-371, 2008
Estimating the benefits of water quality improvements under the Water Framework Directive: are benefits transferable?
N Hanley, S Colombo, D Tinch, A Black, A Aftab
European Review of Agricultural Economics 33 (3), 391-413, 2006
Analysing the social benefits of soil conservation measures using stated preference methods
S Colombo, J Calatrava-Requena, N Hanley
Ecological Economics 58 (4), 850-861, 2006
Estimating values of environmental impacts of dairy farming in New Zealand
R Baskaran, R Cullen, S Colombo
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 52 (4), 377-389, 2009
Testing choice experiment for benefit transfer with preference heterogeneity
S Colombo, J Calatrava-Requena, N Hanley
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89 (1), 135-151, 2007
How can we reduce the errors from benefits transfer? An investigation using the choice experiment method
S Colombo, N Hanley
Land Economics 84 (1), 128-147, 2008
The impacts of knowledge of the past on preferences for future landscape change
N Hanley, R Ready, S Colombo, F Watson, M Stewart, EA Bergmann
Journal of environmental management 90 (3), 1404-1412, 2009
Accounting for negative, zero and positive willingness to pay for landscape change in a national park
N Hanley, S Colombo, B Kriström, F Watson
Journal of Agricultural Economics 60 (1), 1-16, 2009
What are the consequences of ignoring attributes in choice experiments? Implications for ecosystem service valuation
S Colombo, M Christie, N Hanley
Ecological Economics 96, 25-35, 2013
Designing policies to mitigate the agricultural contribution to climate change: an assessment of soil based carbon sequestration and its ancillary effects
K Glenk, S Colombo
Climatic Change 105 (1), 43-66, 2011
How sure can you be? A framework for considering delivery uncertainty in benefit assessments based on stated preference methods
K Glenk, S Colombo
Journal of Agricultural Economics 62 (1), 25-46, 2011
A comparison of citizen and “expert” preferences using an attribute-based approach to choice
S Colombo, A Angus, J Morris, DJ Parsons, M Brawn, K Stacey, N Hanley
Ecological Economics 68 (11), 2834-2841, 2009
Modelling outcome‐related risk in choice experiments
K Glenk, S Colombo
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 57 (4), 559-578, 2013
Analysis of the spatial relationship between small olive farms to increase their competitiveness through cooperation
S Colombo, M Perujo-Villanueva
Land Use Policy 63, 226-235, 2017
The reform of support mechanisms for upland farming: paying for public goods in the severely disadvantaged areas of England
N Hanley, S Colombo, P Mason, H Johns
Journal of Agricultural Economics 58 (3), 433-453, 2007
Improving the application of long‐term ecology in conservation and land management
AL Davies, S Colombo, N Hanley
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (1), 63-70, 2014
Economic Valuation of the Benefits of Ecosystem Services Delivered by the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (Defra Project SFFSD 0702)
M Christie, A Hyde, R Cooper, I Fazey, P Dennis, JM Warren, S Colombo, ...
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2011
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Articles 1–20