jean-jacques zondy
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Cited by
Optical Frequency Measurement of the Transitions in Hydrogen and Deuterium: Rydberg Constant and Lamb Shift Determinations
C Schwob, L Jozefowski, B De Beauvoir, L Hilico, F Nez, L Julien, ...
Physical review letters 82 (25), 4960, 1999
Absolute Frequency Measurement of the 2 S− 8 S/D Transitions in Hydrogen and Deuterium: New Determination of the Rydberg Constant
B De Beauvoir, F Nez, L Julien, B Cagnac, F Biraben, D Touahri, L Hilico, ...
Physical Review Letters 78 (3), 440, 1997
Growth and properties of LiGaX2 (X = S, Se, Te) single crystals for nonlinear optical applications in the mid‐IR
L Isaenko, A Yelisseyev, S Lobanov, A Titov, V Petrov, JJ Zondy, ...
Crystal Research and Technology: Journal of Experimental and Industrial …, 2003
Second harmonic generation and optical parametric amplification in the mid-IR with orthorhombic biaxial crystals LiGaS2 and LiGaSe2
V Petrov, A Yelisseyev, L Isaenko, S Lobanov, A Titov, JJ Zondy
Applied Physics B 78, 543-546, 2004
Frequency measurement of the 5S12 (F= 3)− 5D52 (F= 5) two-photon transition in rubidium
D Touahri, O Acef, A Clairon, JJ Zondy, R Felder, L Hilico, B De Beauvoir, ...
Optics communications 133 (1-6), 471-478, 1997
75%-efficiency blue generation from an intracavity PPKTP frequency doubler
R Le Targat, JJ Zondy, P Lemonde
Optics Communications 247 (4-6), 471-481, 2005
Ternary chalcogenides LiBC2 (B= In, Ga; C= S, Se, Te) for mid-IR nonlinear optics
L Isaenko, A Yelisseyev, S Lobanov, P Krinitsin, V Petrov, JJ Zondy
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352 (23-25), 2439-2443, 2006
A biaxial ternary chalcogenide crystal for nonlinear optical applications in the midinfrared
L Isaenko, A Yelisseyev, S Lobanov, V Petrov, F Rotermund, G Slekys, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 91 (12), 9475-9480, 2002
Optical, vibrational, thermal, electrical, damage, and phase-matching properties of lithium thioindate
S Fossier, S Salaün, J Mangin, O Bidault, I Thénot, JJ Zondy, W Chen, ...
JOSA B 21 (11), 1981-2007, 2004
LiGaTe2:  A New Highly Nonlinear Chalcopyrite Optical Crystal for the Mid-IR
L Isaenko, P Krinitsin, V Vedenyapin, A Yelisseyev, A Merkulov, JJ Zondy, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 5 (4), 1325-1329, 2005
Absolute value of the d36 nonlinear coefficient of AgGaS2: prospect for a low-threshold doubly resonant oscillator-based 3:1 frequency divider
JJ Zondy, D Touahri, O Acef
JOSA B 14 (10), 2481-2497, 1997
Precise frequency measurement of the 2S-8S/8D transtions in atomic hydrogen: New determination of the Rydberg constant
F Nez, MD Plimmer, S Bourzeix, L Julien, F Biraben, R Felder, O Acef, ...
Physical review letters 69 (16), 2326, 1992
Growth and characterization of LiInS2 single crystals
L Isaenko, I Vasilyeva, A Yelisseyev, S Lobanov, V Malakhov, L Dovlitova, ...
Journal of crystal growth 218 (2-4), 313-322, 2000
Clock transition for a future optical frequency standard with trapped atoms
I Courtillot, A Quessada, RP Kovacich, A Brusch, D Kolker, JJ Zondy, ...
Physical Review A 68 (3), 030501, 2003
A CO2 to visible optical frequency synthesis chain: accurate measurement of the 473 THz HeNe/I2 laser
O Acef, JJ Zondy, M Abed, DG Rovera, AH Gerard, A Clairon, P Laurent, ...
Optics communications 97 (1-2), 29-34, 1993
Comparative theory of walkoff-limited type-II versus type-I second harmonic generation with gaussian beams
JJ Zondy
Optics communications 81 (6), 427-440, 1991
Twin-crystal walk-off-compensated type-II second-harmonic generation: single-pass and cavity-enhanced experiments in KTiOPO4
JJ Zondy, M Abed, S Khodja
JOSA B 11 (12), 2368-2379, 1994
Stability and frequency tuning of thermally loaded continuous-wave AgGaS2 optical parametric oscillators
A Douillet, JJ Zondy, A Yelisseyev, S Lobanov, L Isaenko
JOSA B 16 (9), 1481-1498, 1999
Optical, thermal, electrical, damage, and phase-matching properties of lithium selenoindate
V Petrov, JJ Zondy, O Bidault, L Isaenko, V Vedenyapin, A Yelisseyev, ...
JOSA B 27 (9), 1902-1927, 2010
Sum-frequency generation of 589 nm light with near-unit efficiency
E Mimoun, LD Sarlo, JJ Zondy, J Dalibard, F Gerbier
Optics express 16 (23), 18684-18691, 2008
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Articles 1–20