Raphael Kaim
Raphael Kaim
Aalen University
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Cited by
Benefits of agile project management in an environment of increasing complexity—a transaction cost analysis
R Kaim, RC Härting, C Reichstein
Intelligent Decision Technologies 2019: Proceedings of the 11th KES …, 2019
Potentials of digital approaches in a tourism industry with changing customer needs–a quantitative study
F Häfner, RC Härting, R Kaim
2020 15th Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS …, 2020
Impacts of the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in SME Business Models—An Empirical Study with a Quantitative Design
RC Härting, R Kaim, D Ruch
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 2020: 14th KES …, 2020
Impacts of the New General Data Protection Regulation for small-and medium-sized enterprises
RC Härting, R Kaim, N Klamm, J Kroneberg
Proceedings of Fifth International Congress on Information and Communication …, 2021
Potentials and barriers of agility in small and medium sized enterprises: insights from qualitative research in Germany
J Bueechl, R Haerting, M Pressl, R Kaim
Business Information Systems, 367-380, 2021
Potentials of digital business models in Tourism—Qualitative study with german experts
R Härting, R Kaim, L Fleischer, A Sprengel
Proceedings of Fifth International Congress on Information and Communication …, 2020
Potentials of Digital Business Models for the European Agriculture Sector
RC Härting, R Kaim, F Horsch
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 2020: 14th KES …, 2020
Naghdy, Fazel, 229 Naghdy, Golshah, 229 Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, 321
C Haubold, Y Himeur, S Hou, VP Ibañez, A Ilic, M Iqbal, DKB Ismail, ...
Xin-She Yang R Simon Sherratt Nilanjan Dey, 651, 0
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