Kenneth E. Okedu
Kenneth E. Okedu
Melbourne Institute of Technology, Victoria, Australia
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Wind farms fault ride through using DFIG with new protection scheme
KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 3 (2), 242-254, 2012
Optimization of renewable energy efficiency using HOMER
KE Okedu, R Uhunmwangho
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 4 (2), 421-427, 2014
Renewable energy in Nigeria: The challenges and opportunities in mountainous and riverine regions
KE Okedu, R Uhunmwangho, P Wopara
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 5 (1), 222-229, 2015
Enhancing DFIG Wind Turbine during Three-phase Fault Using Parallel Interleaved Converters and Dynamic Resistor
KE Okedu
IET Renewable Power Generation 10 (6), 1211-1219, 2016
Improvement of fault ride through capability of wind farms using DFIG considering SDBR
KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura
Proceedings of the 2011 14th European Conference on Power Electronics and …, 2011
Sustainable waste management strategies for effective energy utilization in Oman: A review
KE Okedu, HF Barghash, HA Al Nadabi
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10, 825728, 2022
Harnessing the potential of small hydro power in Cross River state of Southern Nigeria
KE Okedu, R Uhunmwangho, M Odje
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 37, 100617, 2020
Prospects of Solar Energy in Oman: case of oil and gas industries
K Okedu, H Nadabi, A Aziz
International Journal of Smart Grid-ijSmartGrid 3 (3), 138-151, 2019
Comparative study between two protection schemes for DFIG-based wind generator
KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura
2010 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 62-67, 2010
Comparative analysis of mini hydro turbines for Bumaji Stream, Boki, Cross River State, Nigeria
KEO Roland Uhunmwangho, Mathias Odje
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 27, 102-108, 2018
Assessment of the cost of various renewable energy systems to provide power for a small community: Case of Bukha, Oman
KE Okedu, M Al-Hashmi
International Journal of Smart Grid 2 (3), 172-182, 2018
A Study of wind farm stabilization using DFIG or STATCOM considering grid requirements
KE Okedu
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 3 (1), 200-209, 2010
Participation of FACTS in stabilizing DFIG with crowbar during grid fault based on grid codes
KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura
2011 IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCC), 365-368, 2011
Stabilization of wind farms by DFIG-based variable speed wind generators
KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura
2010 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 464-469, 2010
Smart Grid Technologies in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
KE Okedu, AL Salmani, Z Waleed
International Journal of Smart Grid 3 (2), 92-102, 2019
Transfer learning networks with skip connections for classification of brain tumors
S Alaraimi, KE Okedu, H Tianfield, R Holden, O Uthmani
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 31 (3), 1564-1582, 2021
Off-grid electricity generation in Nigeria based on rice husk gasification technology
OS Ejiofor, PA Okoro, UC Ogbuefi, CV Nnabuike, KE Okedu
Cleaner Engineering and Technology 1, 100009, 2020
Application of SDBR with DFIG to augment wind farm fault ride through
KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura
2011 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 1-6, 2011
Small Hydropower for Sustainable Development
KEO R. Uhunwangho
Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 10 (2), 535- 543, 2009
Bio-hydrogen production using landfill leachate considering different photo-fermentation processes
H Barghash, KE Okedu, A Al Balushi
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9, 644065, 2021
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Articles 1–20