Bram Kuijper
Bram Kuijper
Centre for Ecology & Conservation, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, United Kingdom
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Cited by
A guide to sexual selection theory
B Kuijper, I Pen, FJ Weissing
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 43, 287-311, 2012
When to rely on maternal effects and when on phenotypic plasticity?
B Kuijper, RB Hoyle
Evolution 69 (4), 950-968, 2015
Experimental evidence for a causal effect of pair-bond duration on reproductive performance in oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus)
M Van De Pol, D Heg, LW Bruinzeel, B Kuijper, S Verhulst
Behavioral Ecology 17 (6), 982-991, 2006
Towards an evolutionary theory of stress responses
B Taborsky, S English, TW Fawcett, B Kuijper, O Leimar, JM McNamara, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution, 2020
The cost of mating rises nonlinearly with copulation frequency in a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster
B Kuijper, AD Stewart, WR Rice
Journal of evolutionary biology 19 (6), 1795-1802, 2006
Intralocus sexual conflict over human height
G Stulp, B Kuijper, AP Buunk, TV Pollet, S Verhulst
Biology Letters 8 (6), 976-978, 2012
Ten simple rules for a successful cross-disciplinary collaboration
B Knapp, R Bardenet, MO Bernabeu, R Bordas, M Bruna, B Calderhead, ...
PLoS Comput Biol 11 (4), e1004214, 2015
Should attractive males have more sons?
TW Fawcett, B Kuijper, I Pen, FJ Weissing
Behavioral Ecology 18 (1), 71-80, 2007
Climatic variation and the geographical distribution of sex-determining mechanisms in the housefly
B Feldmeyer, M Kozielska, B Kuijper, FJ Weissing, LW Beukeboom, I Pen
Evolutionary Ecology Research 10 (6), 797-809, 2008
The evolution of multivariate maternal effects
B Kuijper, RA Johnstone, S Townley
PLoS computational biology 10 (4), e1003550, 2014
Understanding the emergence of bacterial pathogens in novel hosts
C Bonneaud, LA Weinert, B Kuijper
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1782), 20180328, 2019
Maternal effects and parent–offspring conflict
B Kuijper, RA Johnstone
Evolution 72 (2), 220-233, 2018
Sex determination meltdown upon biological control introduction of the parasitoid Cotesia rubecula?
JG Boer, B Kuijper, GE Heimpel, LW Beukeboom
Evolutionary applications 5 (5), 444-454, 2012
Sex-ratio control erodes sexual selection, revealing evolutionary feedback from adaptive plasticity
TW Fawcett, B Kuijper, FJ Weissing, I Pen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (38), 15925-15930, 2011
Can paternal leakage maintain sexually antagonistic polymorphism in the cytoplasm?
B Kuijper, N Lane, A Pomiankowski
Journal of evolutionary biology 28 (2), 468-480, 2015
Differential Allocation Revisited: When Should Mate Quality Affect Parental Investment?
TR Haaland, J Wright, B Kuijper, II Ratikainen
The American Naturalist 190 (4), 534-546, 2017
Parental effects and the evolution of phenotypic memory
B Kuijper, RA Johnstone
Journal of evolutionary biology 29 (2), 265-276, 2016
Onderzoek ten behoeve van het herstel en beheer van Nederlandse laagveenwateren
LPM Lamers, JJM Geurts, BM Bontes, J Sarneel, H Pijnappel, H Boonstra, ...
Ede: Directie Kennis, Ministerie van LNV, 2006
Underappreciated features of cultural evolution
M Smolla, F Jansson, L Lehmann, W Houkes, FJ Weissing, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1828), 20200259, 2021
Direct observation of female mating frequency using time-lapse photography
B Kuijper, EH Morrow
Fly 3 (2), 118-120, 2009
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Articles 1–20