Antonia M. Reina Quintero
Antonia M. Reina Quintero
Lecturer of Computer Science, Universidad de Sevilla
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Cited by
A domain-specific language to design enterprise application integration solutions
RZ Frantz, AM Reina Quintero, R Corchuelo
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 20 (02), 143-176, 2011
Towards developing generic solutions with aspects
AM Reina, J Torres, M Toro
Proceedings of 5th Aspect-Oriented Modeling Workshop (AOM) in Conjunction …, 2004
Visión general de la programación orientada a aspectos
A Quintero
Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos. Universidad de Sevilla, 2000
Smart contract languages: A multivocal mapping study
ÁJ Varela-Vaca, AMR Quintero
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (1), 1-38, 2021
The NDT development process
MJ Escalona, M Mejías, J Torres, A Reina
Web Engineering: International Conference, ICWE 2003 Oviedo, Spain, July 14 …, 2003
NDT-Tool: A case tool to deal with requirements in web information systems
MJ Escalona, J Torres, M Mejías, A Reina
Web Engineering: International Conference, ICWE 2003 Oviedo, Spain, July 14 …, 2003
Using aspect-orientation techniques to improve reuse of metamodels
AMR Quintero, JT Valderrama
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 163 (2), 29-43, 2007
Separating the navigational aspect
AM Reina, J Torres
Proc. 2nd Int’l Workshop on Aspect Oriented Programming for Distributed …, 2002
An architecture to infer business rules from event condition action rules implemented in the persistence layer
CA Maldonado, MT Gómez-López, AMR Quintero, I Ramos
Uncovering Essential Software Artifacts through Business Process Archeology …, 2014
Aspect-oriented web development vs. non aspect-oriented web development
AM Reina, J Torres, M Toro
Workshop of Analysis of Aspect-Oriented Software (AAOS 2003), 2003
Analysing the navigational aspect
AM Reina, J Torres
Second International Workshop on Aspect Oriented Programming for Distributed …, 2002
Confiddent: A model-driven consistent and non-redundant layer-3 firewall acl design, development and maintenance framework
S Pozo, RM Gasca, AM Reina-Quintero, AJ Varela-Vaca
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (2), 425-457, 2012
Adaptation of transformations to metamodel changes
J Garcia, O Díaz
Actas de los Talleres de las Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de …, 2010
NDT: a methodology to deal with the navigation aspect at the requirements phase
MJ Escalona, AM Reina, J Torres, M Mejías
OOPSLA Workshop: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture …, 2004
When business processes meet complex events in logistics: A systematic mapping study
BR Gutiérrez, AMR Quintero, L Parody, MTG López
Computers in Industry 144, 103788, 2023
Model-driven engineering for constraint database query evaluation
MT Gómez López, AM Reina Quintero, R Martínez Gasca
MELO 2011: Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Logic and Optimization …, 2011
A. NDT: Una técnica para el desarrollo de la navegación
MJ Escalona, M Mejías, JR Torres, A Reina
Congreso Ideas, 2002
Una revisión crítica sobre modelos de predicción para la demanda turística
R Fernández, JA Vilalta, A Quintero
Turismo y Desarrollo Local 12 (27), 1-18, 2019
Modelos de Pruebas para Pruebas del Sistemas.
JJ Gutiérrez, MJ Escalona, M Mejías, AMR Quintero
DSDM, 2006
An Architecture for Querying Business Process, Business Process Instances, and Business Data Models
MT Gómez-López, AM Reina Quintero, L Parody, JM Pérez Álvarez, ...
BPM 2017: Business Process Management Workshops 308, 757-769, 2018
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Articles 1–20